Tuesday, May 24, 2011

World Day of Disabled

The world's progress towards entry to all areas of life. But if we look at the corporate sector, it feels as if something is missing. Money, power, greed, etc., is the desire of every person to achieve. But we can not deny that we are all with loads of social problems that are hard nuts to crack limited. The key to success and self-satisfaction that is missing in most companies. Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly, many or all membersa society and as problems to be controversial in terms of moral values, or both. Social issues include poverty, violence, pollution, injustice, illiteracy, corruption, corruption, suppression of human rights, discrimination and crime, child abuse, rape, dowry system, the 'Abortion, sex, etc.

For many social problems, I believe that the rights of exceptional people who are neglected by all. Nobody wants to hear. No body wants to correct them love and care.They are rejected by most companies. Because of the bad behavior of people are after many difficulties, to explore their talents and creativity. Now is the time when you think again about our attitude to need them. Tall calls from government officials, the special needs of people where they were stored by the previous government and the opportunities are still crying for their rights will be given.

I did my research for seven years at the Aga Khan OnlineWelfare Board Committee for exceptional people. I came to this institution and came to know their feelings and emotions. Later I studied many books and met many children of borderline category of different schools in Karachi. The bitter truth was revealed. I realized that they were totally deprived of our society and were considered crazy, this is not true.

I think one has to define the right of every man in his perception, until he / she knows thatdeep and perfect. But it is a matter of despairty in Pakistan that children be considered as another exception. People try to give their definitions of it, without the correct definition of the human person. Humans act like an animal and a lack of concern for them.

We try to understand the extraordinary people?

Those who have the IQ, which are different from the average of two or more standard deviations called ExtraordinaryPeople. Mentally disabled are those who have expressed two or more standard deviations below the mean. While people who score two or more standard deviations above the mean of talented people are called.

Categories in terms of IQ are as follows:

A board or Line 70 above (and understand format)
O 70-50 Mild (educable)
50-35 or moderate (training)
O heavy 35-20 (skills Miniman)
O 20-0 deep (nursing)

Thus we can say,that

"Exceptional children who are missing motor, cognitive, language, social development and emotional skills or self-help."

Imagine sitting in Japan to communicate with Japanese students in Japanese. How do you feel? In that moment you are your own language can be called out as people do not speak or understand. But this is considered by you as a normal reaction because you know you are normal. If this is the case, then how could the mostexplain to the rest of us to judge the spiritual, without their talent and abilities that God has given them.

That disability is everything?

Disability is the inability of normal activities in a way it is. "

"A disability is the expression of a physical or mental limitation in a social context, the gap between the capabilities of a person and a more environmentally friendly."

(Pope and Tarlov, 1991)

A personDisabled means that because of injury, illness or congenital malformations, in companies of any occupation or employment and the employment of disabled includes persons who are both blind as well. In short, those extraordinary people who either lack one of the areas of development.

Disability refers to the effects of alteration or activities generally accepted as the benefits, as the basic elements of everyday life. Disability can be used when amight be affected, objectively defined, represents a barrier to mobility or domestic routines and communication skills. "

After the social model

"It is the result of the interaction of humans and the environment and is not specific to humans or the environment disabilities.

Note that the physically handicapped, blind, deaf, autism, language disorders, learning disabilities, mild, medium, hard, deep,Borderline, etc., are some of the most important categories of exceptional people from many others. People with special educational needs are often invisible, unheard and countless people in Pakistan. Are the most marginalized. People with disabilities face overwhelming barriers in education, training and daily life.

The United Nations estimates that about 600 million people worldwide have a disability and that the vast majority of the extraordinary people living in low and middleIncome. The percentage of extraordinary people in Pakistan to 1998 Census 2.49 percent of the total population that is very different from the estimates of the World Bank, the UN and the WHO.

These children have the same right to freedom of expression, quality education and access to safe and healthy environment in accordance with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, for full rights and duties as citizens, have confirmed in the Declaration UN human rightsRights, 1948, "Education for All (1990), UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Special Needs (1993), Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action (1994), Dakar Framework for Action (2000), UN Millennium Development Goals (2001) and the national policy for persons with disabilities (2002) to guarantee the rights of all children, with and without disabilities, the quality of training that individuals receive their needs, abilities and ambitions, and full equalityParticipation in all other aspects of life such as participation in decisions and voting, etc.

But this proved false accusations when disabled people have raised their voices in the media, how brutal they are treated as a company in Pakistan.

For example, to obtain a quality education is right for each round, but again, no schools, colleges and universities have been installed by the government to their needs. Thanks to private NGOs that there was aInitiative and has established some schools for pupils with special educational needs.

The issue of uniqueness becomes increasingly important worldwide and in Pakistan. started the movement for a company the rights to many national organizations, the World Bank and other donors to this question included in their mandates. Rich governments policies including the processes of granting travel booking facilities, special training facilities, etc. But it framedThe question is whether these mandates have been made, if it is implemented, and those who implement it? No concessions will be released off of assets in any of Pakistan so far there is a school where they could learn skills without cost. NGOs have institutions that need a lot of money from parents to support their children.

The country has ratified several international conventions, national policy was promulgated in 2002, initiated the revision of the Regulation onWork to increase the employment rate to two per cent would be to develop job opportunities and initiatives to ensure "inclusive education". But so far, no action taken by any government.

A framework for inclusive education and training in Pakistan in 1980, well beyond established that most of the countries in the developing world. But despite these efforts, the sad fact that most people are completely disabled and their familiesUN-served by the government - and the resources of NGOs. There is an urgent and thorough research data on the causes, prevention of disease and efforts to understand the disability and economic and social realities in relation to the possibilities.

The biggest obstacle to employment and other socio-economic benefits for people with special in our society continue to be attitudinal barriers, stereotypical thinking and assumptions about what people with disabilities and can not.The truth is that the range of ability within a panel is huge. We need to get rid of our stereotypical images and view each "individual" not just a person. "

Only limited categories of disabilities (physical disabilities such as amputation of the foot and leg deformities, blind and deaf), were not detected at the national level and most of the data by gender. Therefore, quantitative data disaggregated at national level bySex and age is required for a comprehensive policy and an assessment of progress. In Pakistan there is only the ministry responsible for social education and special person that touches the outstanding issues. In addition, the Pakistanis believe that people with special needs a social burden and a curse on the family. These beliefs lead to misunderstanding of disability. You prevent people from obtaining accurate information and educated. EmploymentOpportunities for them are very limited and are a financial burden for their families.

While there are extraordinary people with some common problems that you are limited in their daily lives.

Some of the problems of exceptional people

or hyperactivity;
distractibility O;
or impulsivity;
Or the fear of withdrawal;
or anxiety and phobias;
or eating disorders;
O Echholahia;
or movement problems;
or depression;
O SuicidalBehavior;
or difficult temperament;
Or Conduct Disorder;
or aggression;
or obsessions and compulsions;
O reluctant speech;
or eliminate the interference;
Suicidal stimuli or apathy;
or injury, etc.

People with disabilities face a multitude of social, economic, physical and political factors that impeded the free movement in society. These barriers are a misunderstanding and stigmatization of the abilities and desires of people withDisabilities. There is also a serious lack of information data, rules and regulations, rehabilitation centers, and main streaming services specialized for people with special educational needs.

The main problem of the community to which I contributed my efforts is "The rights of special people." I worked as a teacher / tutor / coach for seven years of extraordinary people. Since my childhood I had the intention of social work for extraordinary people, because I had a natural linkto resolve them.

I have dealt with all types of students of the class profound, severe, moderate and mild. But I have worked mainly with "borderline" students who want their rights, which are facing the big problem in every society and every community that wants to explore their creativity by others, he expects that the love of others and that others accept it as a normal existence.

I believe that every individual can make a difference. I thank God for this beautifulStudents trusted me, gave me the tape of the report and welcomed me with all my heart in my first year of voluntary service. They shared all their problems with me and I thank God that I have accepted the special allowance for them. I have her voice trembled in their statement, they want to hear their expectations. But still, they listened in every society, they take care of them and love them. While working for their rights, I had many difficulties in ourSociety.

I can not do everything alone, but at least I have a little change in their lives, which brought a great reward for me. The problems to be solved completely, only possible if the company join hands.

or media should take the initiative to discuss their problems in order to create awareness among the masses
or inclusive education should be made compulsory in all schools as part of their curriculum.
campaign or for studentsParents 'teachers' should be collected in each community.
jobs, or people need to be made ​​available to disable
or Your needs should be addressed.
Awareness or should be made to their questions from movies and dramas Telecasting.
o They should not be called special.
o The competition should be raised in each community for the younger students so they know their rights.
Or do you have the right to study in ordinary schools with special needs.
o The government shouldInstallation of new curriculum for them.
or psychological tests should be made mandatory to identify their needs and areas for development.
You need to work or getting missing in Pakistan. To find jobs in state institutions.

Everyone can contribute to society:

or raise awareness by participating in international competitions.
OR By participating in awareness campaigns.
or development of new programs for their national policyLevel.
o With these facilities for education and social justice.
o To raise funds for them and to find more job opportunities for them.
o Ambassador Extraordinary people in Pakistan.
o The actual implementation of human rights laws that made by the United Nations.
Due to motivate or more enthusiastic.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Postponing the disabled and elderly riders

How long you live is not as important as the quality of your life while you're alive. Most Americans over 70 can not run or walk fast. Most Americans over 70 can not lift a weight 25 pounds over his head. Most Americans over 70 can not take common household chores, the force, as the setting of a locked door, removing leaves and snow from their driveways or lift heavy objects.

Regular riders can do all these tasks and about 70 more. A study by StanfordUniversities in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that older people are running and other aerobic activities less than people who run not want to die. Non-runners were more than three times more likely to die as a runner, but the news is not exciting. The most important finding is that older men and women who exercise regularly can not sport much less likely to suffer from any form of disability than people.

The researchers studied 370 members of aRunning Club for people aged 50 years and older, and 249 community members who do not belong to the club running. They were 50-72 years at baseline of 13 years. The runners had much lower rates of death, which was expected, and less disability, such as arthritis, which is awesome.

A 13-year follow-up, and the average age of the club race was 70.9 years and the average age of 73.6 years was tested for the community. The running clubMembers had health problems significantly fewer than non-club members, not the runners were in poor health, for comparison, which seemed to live in another municipality. Furthermore, the rate of progression to different levels of disability was slower in the members of the club racer as much as the control group. The authors concluded that "life, disability, a rate hike may be healthy, in a move until a few years before the death of one, if it develops."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preventing head injuries in sports

Injuries are inevitable in any kind of physical sport. Some lesions may not be as bad as the others, but basically we can prevent the occurrence of any event. would like to try one of the worst violations, is the concussion or head injury. This is very dangerous, regardless of the type of sport you're using. Here are some steps done to prevent head injuries.

It may seem insignificant, but choosing the right shoes with a lot to preventType of head injury did not happen. If you can not wear the right shoes during a game, you can slip and hit his head on the floor so. This is why even today people want the shoes are designed according to the type of sports are used to

If you are an avid cyclist, it is extremely important that you wear a helmet. There are quality helmets on the market today so be sure to buy for yourHobby. Studies indicate that the proper use of helmets on the severity of head injury up to ninety percent reduced. Well, this is a big percentage when it comes to head injuries.

Sometimes even if you think you all for a sport oriented, head injuries can still happen, so you better head injuries that you know some basic first aid treatment on a people who are suffering. If such an incident if it happens, be sure to keep victimsaware. Keep talking with the victim and not move until help arrives.

If the victim loses consciousness when his head, seek medical attention at once strikes. Do not try to act heroically groped to solve the problem yourself. This can only add further violations and make it worse.

Hopefully not the worst of all, but prevention is always better than cure, so we must always be made against any type of physical activity asSport. Check the head protection top priority, because you do not know of a serious accident can happen.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Home Based Jewelry Designer - Disability Opportunities

With a disability does not change just for the opportunity to work independently. With your home computer and plug in the Internet, you can start your adventure as an entrepreneur. With your passion for jewelry production, and develop the technical skills and jewelry, is a wonderful business opportunity for you. You just need to get started.

There is a large market for many kinds of original jewelry. There are many people who are interested Jewels for the car, children, adolescents, young adults and the elderly. People want to buy jewelry for their activities, interests, hobbies, sports, extracurricular activities, church events, fundraising, and much more.

Once there you open your eyes and mind of outlets, your imagination with ideas of design so much is that there are not enough hours or years to complete all the jewelry designs you want to do.

Regardless of yourDisability> generates the personal computer at home in collaboration with the money of the phone for your love and passion of jewelry design and jewelry production. A designer jewelry at home has a part-time and full-time job or from the Internet.

You are the classic entrepreneur, the challenges that can transform your jewelry design a product that will produce income for you and your family welcome.

Do you have travel restrictionsbecause of your disability? This is not a problem.
The home based business jewelry allows you the flexibility to plan your disability to care for your activity and exercise at your own pace. Many pieces of jewelry and supplies company, providing business cards, stationery, office supplies and other necessities ordered with a personal computer, and everything is delivered to your home.
Jewelry for your store or jewelry that are sold online may be picked up orsupplied by delivery companies to take their business and to send packages to any U.S. city or international market.

You have the ability to control your life as you build a home business as a jewelry designer. Building a business is interesting and exciting. You can build your business as big as you want. You can control the growth of their business.

As a jewelry designer, jewelry of them, because:
They want to work for themselves and meet their objectives
You have original ideas for your jewelry designs
Want to earn more
You have flexibility to organize your day as you want.

Start today. Visit the home of Tricia Deed http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ magazine and "The AZ steps to becoming a jewelry designer."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Table Tennis - a sport of Equal Opportunities

Table tennis is a sport enjoyed by millions of people around the world. This is an inclusive sport, skills and education can be played by people of all. If a player can serve and give the ball, you can play. This is a sport that does not exclude people because of physical disability. Nor can lead to significant changes remain open to all.

Ping Pong is a part of the Paralympic Games since 1960. The program consists of fivewheelchair divisions and five divisions permanent disability. Athletes can qualify for the Paralympics in one of three ways. You can IPTTC regional powers to win in their individual category will be one of the best international players in their first class, or can be selected as a wildcard player.

The International Table Tennis Committee for the Disabled (ITTC) began in 1976, at a time when there were no other sports organizations, which provided for the disabled. L 'Committee has changed its name in 2003 to the International Paralympic Table Tennis Committee (IPTTC). In 1997 he created a display IPTTC Web site and maintain charts, rules and other general information. Were again leading the way with their thoughts as this website was the first of its kind in sports organizations for the disabled. IPTTC continue to sport a great job to get information about people who are interested. To date, athletes frommore than 100 countries have participated in international tournaments sanctioned IPTTC.

It takes practice and patience to be a world-class athlete, not whether the athlete is disabled or physically. Athletes with physical disabilities are not only competing against other players with disabilities is limited. Table tennis is a sport of balance. Bodied and physically disabled people can compete against each other. Many players started the Paralympic sport racingagainst non-disabled friends and family. Although it can be for players in wheelchairs to maneuver their chairs to play a difficult shot to learn to adapt these players often learn to play effectively in a more defensive game.

wheelchair athletes often chairs that provide specifically for the stability and high enough for the player. Rules state that players can use pads for the height, but can cause bad balance sheet and pillow on the athletesLevel of the game. athletes permanent implants and orthodontics light, that are well suited for lateral movement. Athletes who are unable to access a club because of their disability by using specially designed instruments that set the bat in his hand. Some athletes choose, just use a bandage on his racket in hand to install. These changes will not give them an advantage over another player, but even the playing field so that players can compete regardless oftheir disability.

This sport can be challenging mentally and physically, but with this challenge comes a feeling of satisfaction when a player experiences of success. The actors involved and the practice will not only develop the skills needed for the athletes, who will also get the confidence that comes to work and achieve a goal.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lesions of the rotator cuff - A Complete Guide

Rotator cuff injuries are very frequent. Shoulder pain affects about one in five. How significant is the fact that the symptoms of rotator cuff are by far the most common cause of shoulder pain. So if you are a cuff injury, you are definitely not alone.

There are a number of different causes of wrist injury or illness. This is a guide to common injuries and their cause.


Severe trauma to the cuff. Every significant event, A long-term effect. For example, a car accident or collision sports a great influence causing serious injury.

This will almost certainly be strongly influenced not only the collar, but the shoulder as a whole. Lesions of the rotator cuff are of this type, in most cases, require surgery to repair the rotator cuff.

Trauma of this kind is the most common cause of wrist problems in younger people (under 40).

Fortunately, there are still relatively rareEvents.

Tendinitis of the rotator cuff

The most common form of shoulder pain is, without doubt, tendonitis. Tendinitis is irritation and inflammation of the tendons of the cuff. Overuse tendinitis of the shoulder can be placed. For example, it can happen, as in tennis, participating in things like sports or throw.

In non-athletes may be a history of recent heavy lifting or activities that involve repetitive movements of the shoulder.

It isanother, more complicated form known as calcifying tendinitis. This happens when, because of years of inflammation, calcium deposits in tendons. They should have "calcified." This can be especially painful!

Rupture of the tendon of the rotator cuff

Cuff tears are more common in people aged 40 years. Not only that, but the incidence increases with age. A person of 80 is a significantly increased risk of developing such a tearPerson of 40 years.

A torn tendon can take two forms, either a full or partial tear. The classification is purely based on the amount of damages. A tear is a tear that extends properly through the tendon. A "full thickness" is full or when to bring down the entire width of the tendon is torn. This is best seen by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

cuff tendon tears can have two different outbreaks, acute and chronic.

Sharp is a unique and identifiable as a documentTrauma.

Chronic develops gradually over time due to a general weakening. This could be caused by conditions such as tendonitis or impingement.


Shock is the name of a state where cuff tendon is pinched or compressed in the subacromial space. Generally affects the supraspinatus tendon.

The tendon is repeatedly scraped against the scapula and this can lead to a fraying of the tendon. This means that weakens the tendon and is moreprobability of failure. Impingement is a very common cause of other rotator cuff injuries.

impingement syndrome is often the result of a weakness of the muscles of the rotator cuff. This leads to a lack of stability of the shoulder, which in turn allows the humerus to ride, and fill the space on the tendon. It can also occur because of problems with the bone of the acromion, arthritis, bone spurs and problems with bursitis in the shoulder joint.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What is the Sports Medicine and what are the advantages

sports medicine is basically defined as the area benefits of medicine that deals with injuries and trying to be lived in diseases athletics, which is composed of various sports.

The recent influx of information on the topic and enormous resources and effort invested in research in practice often led to the emergence of the question, what the sports medicine practice.

The other sections have explainedthe concept of sports medicine in detail, with a brief explanation of all aspects important allies together.

Key aspects

two important dimensions of medicine involved in the actual sport. And the answer to the query, which is the practice of sports medicine in the medical field is in the following two aspects:

i) the treatment of diseases, injuries and illnesses

ii) the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases by careful planning and analysis carriedInjury factors.

The team

In previous years, sports medicine consultation and support was the only athlete provided by the medical team, caliber, who has worked primarily with the first, professional and other elite school.

However, in response to the concern, what is the sports medicine of the past years through a metamorphosis in the past. Now the practice of sports medicine involves a comprehensive team of health experts who are trained in a varietyOrigin, including large as:

* Athletic Training

* Biomechanics

* Physiology

* Physical therapy

* Nursing

* Sport Psychology

* Food

Consumer Associations

There are a large number of consumer groups and patients who benefit from the practice of sports medicine.
Perhaps the most effective answer to the question of what medicine is the sport is its performance and service to the various sections of theThe athletes, athletes and non athletes.

Below are listed and explained the most important groups of consumers and patients, the medical benefits of sport.

1) Physical Therapy

The efforts and plans for medical treatment, physical therapists are often supplemented by techniques of this sport. Sports medicine professionals who continue to qualify as a sports coach are eligible to exercise physiologists work with team doctors,Physiotherapists and coaches.

2) research specialists

The results in the field of sports medicine are increasingly being used in campaigns for research and teaching. The sports medicine specialist function, which are increasingly used in research and clinical biomechanics, a new dimension to the study of medical interest, what is sport.

3) companies and individuals

Sports MedicineSpecialists are increasingly of employees and benefits to both individuals and businesses in industrial settings. I work as a physiotherapist, sports doctors are applying their knowledge of these to improve or maintain health, fitness and performance in these settings.

other categories of consumers receiving services in the field of sports medicine are:

* The athletes of different categories

* The health of workers

* CentersDisabled

* People with temporary physical disability due to diseases and disorders

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crucial Tips Street Fight effective!

Street Fighting is very different from a normal "fair fight". The same techniques that combat sports scores and helping to win trophies, you can lose your life in street fighting. There is nothing "fair" to the street fighting, as there are no rules and everything goes to fight in a street. It 'important that you pick up some tips on how to combat street smart and effective, because the difference between life and death.

In a street fight, you shouldALWAYS aim for vital areas. The three main target areas are the head, neck and groin. The control of head and neck and the meaning of the body's vital functions during the bar of the central region will be completed for a variety of sensory nerves. Therefore, the strikes of success in these areas could easily turn off any / stun a person.

For the head, a simple place to target the eyes and one of the best techniques you can use is the palm. Notice how perfect the tip of the thumb to pull in your eye. Tofor a street fight, pushing, rowing palm directly in your attacker's eyes. If you connect, you will immediately overwhelm the nervous system and your attacker is defeated now! Even if one forgets, the effects are easy to shock your opponent and you have enough time to escape quickly. This technique is particularly useful for children because the person has overcome a larger opponent without much effort.

For the neck, a goal for the jugular - it is a V-shaped notch inCenter, where the collar bones meet. Try to push your finger in your jugular and see the effect - it is extremely unpleasant, and you instinctively choke / gag. Fighting for a road, close all your fingers together and just put your assailant jugular. As long as a finger mark on the slide at once. This will lead to the attacker immediately collapse and he will not be able to recover quickly - which is ample time to fleefast!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why should PC Inventory Software

inventory software for PC is a great tool if you want to monitor the entire enterprise or desktop PC. In the past, audit PC or use some term network has been testing a tedious job for you, the network administrators.

Most of the time more and more IT companies use force only to solve this problem. Some network administrators who need additional time or work on weekends just to want to stop the inventory for business PCs.

This is because it is done manually by sittingBefore each PC and record all necessary details. Some time, users have to wait to finish his work before they can sit on the chair can. After collecting all data, you may submit a report on the outcome.

Well, you still have the result, but includes additional costs for the company and you feel the pain.

But now as a network administrator can smile, thanks to the inventory of PC software, the task of inventory to make hundreds of computers to be done in a veryshort time.

Software for the inventory of PC is ideal in a networked environment, where all the PCs connected to the network. However, home users can also receive benefits from, but you can not see the true power, because his real power is seen in a large network. PC or an inventory of desktop software can keep an inventory of the entire network.

Let's take a look at some of the features of PC software inventory.

Take note that the features and functionality of a desktop PC or inventorySoftware may vary from other similar instruments, but the idea is the same - to track and record all the details of hardware and software. There are two types of PC or desktop software inventory, are a basic client-server, while other servers are based.

For software for PC-based server, desktop or inventory is already installed on the server side and install an agent on the client. The software searches for all nodes and devices on the network. Excellent PC orNotes and inventory software, inventory hardware business, software inventory, all in a computer inventory, security, software, software license control, does not keep track of network resources, scan to plan, manage network resources, and many others.

All these features provide services for a network administrator. This feature of the software you get all the details of the system and application software. You can detail the type of operating system, Service Pack collection, product keyand serial number and software updates, versions and details of track inventory software should install automatically.

On the hardware side, the software allows you to keep track of all the hardware details like CPU type, motherboard, hard drive, processor, network adapter, sound and video cards and memory and peripherals. inventory software for PC is capable of controlling the product keys and serial numbers of software applications and provide not only, or using the softwareLicense.

A feature of the PC inventory software, which is really excellent, the ability to alert you when something is removed, replaced or installed somewhere on the computer network. This software can also prepared a report on all installed components and their variations in no time. This software is able to asset management is simple and fun.

With regard to the basic client-server, an agent must be installed on all networked PCs. The agent communicates with the server andinformation about your hardware or software status.

The good news is freeware software inventory PC can be found on the web. If you want to use more advanced features, you need to buy licensed copies.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

7 famous people with disabilities

It 's easy to feel alone, until you get to know famous people with disabilities. There are many people who have overcome their personal challenges and social stigma and make a difference in the world. Here are seven examples of some of the most famous people with disabilities - some might be aware of and some you may be surprised!

Here are 7 famous people with disabilities:

Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr. announced (1930 to present) as Buzz Aldrin, was the secondPerson on the moon, Neil Armstrong landed with more than 20 July 1969 for implementation. Buzz Aldrin has bipolar disorder.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) led Britain during World War II and is often considered one of the greatest statesman, known ever lived. A man of many talents (speaker, writer, painter, journalist and soldier), Winston Churchill was also suffering from a bipolar disorder.

William Jefferson Clinton (1946 to present), is also known as Bill Clinton, 42nd President announcedthe United States. Bill Clinton has a hearing impairment and hearing aid use.

Tom Cruise (1962 to present), is an actor, is certainly an end today. His career began to decline after the role in "Risky Business", and after missing his performance in "Top Gun". Tom Cruise has dyslexia, as his mother and all his brothers.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), considered a genius and one of the greatest scientists of all time and his theoryThe theory of relativity, inaugurated the modern nuclear age. Albert Einstein had a learning disability and did very poorly in public schools.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), is a renowned American writer, writing such works as "A Farwell to Arms" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Ernest Hemingway has suffered both physical and mental illness and ended his life battling depression, committed suicide in 1961.

Robin Williams, (1951 to present), is a famous actor / comedian who brought to lifeis a career with the 1978 TV show "Mork and Mindy," has a lot of comedy albums and movies like the 1987 film "Good Morning, Vietnam". Robin Williams was diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

These are just some of the most "famous famous and there are many more people who have used their strengths instead of dwelling on the challenges and have life full, productive and happy. Knowing that there are others, and many famous people withDisabilities can create hope and makes you feel a bit 'less alone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The selection of educational games for children with intellectual disabilities

Some children have difficulty with learning problems or wrong address new information. You might struggle to master skills like throwing and catching a ball. You could try to grow confused to speak and listen to communicate with other people. Without the ability to learn and retain important information about how these children struggle even more when they come to school and try to master reading, writing and other skills and content knowledge.

Scientists are not sureWhat are the causes of learning difficulties. Many suspect that the brains of children with intellectual disabilities mix signals and have difficulty sending and receiving bits of information. Basically, as University of Nevada-Reno professors Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings in the Survival Guide for kids with LD explained, "just some guys have a hard time to learn."
These children are not stupid or lazy at all. They "learn differently" simply (LD). Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings appropriateReplace the term "disability" in his book, useful for the problem is not with the stigma. Children with LD have normal or even above average intelligence can distinguish, and indeed in other sectors. Their brains only collect, process and store information in a different way. As Stanley S. Lamm, MD, and Martin L. Fish, Ph.D. put it explains a learning disability, a child with learning difficulties, only "a state or a specific set of conditions that interfere with thenormal learning process. "

Children who learn differently can come from any ethnic group or socio-economic status. Although only 5% of children had been formally diagnosed with LD, some doctors and educators believe that having up to 20 percent of children a kind of interference in their way of learning in some areas. The good news is that it can significantly improve the correct diagnosis and targeted interventions, children with LD their ability to learn in a weak field.

It 'very importantidentify, especially for parents and children with LD learn differently and the means and resources available to them, so they should learn. Once the AP has been identified, a team of professionals in the child and use their results to an individualized education plan (IEP) for him or for their development. Now the child and his teachers and parents know the area where the child needs extra help and can focus on developing and improving the learning capabilities of the child there.Special classes and one-on-one tutoring can help.

Thus, using educational toys designed to develop specific skills. Children who are increasingly bored with school work can dry excitement in learning when the learning comes in the form of a toy to see it again. Simplify the process of learning and the use of unconventional methods to make learning fun for kids with LD can motivate an incentive to new heights.

Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings has identified seven key areas where children couldlearn differently: talking and listening, reading, writing, math, organizational skills, social skills and motor skills. Here are some suggestions for toys, the learning of each of these areas will be developed ...
Talking and listening LD

Children with LD to speak and listen to know what to say or do, but they are fighting only to share their thoughts. You may also have difficulty understanding the meaning of saying what other people have them, sometimes an errorConcern for others. Some good skills in this area are to promote critical thinking and the ability to make predictions, understand cause and effect and draw conclusions. These skills can help children organize their thoughts and words to make them more coherent and better understand what others say about them.
Strategy Games and Logic Games as Clik FoxMind Zoologica 'or promote the development of logical thinking skills such games. When playing these games, parentsEncourage children to think aloud, to make their argument. Parents can also politely ask the children to ask what they think happens in a situation next to each answer, and recognize it as a basis for the next question.

Read AP
Children with reading LD may be overwhelmed by exposure to too much text at once. You may struggle to read the alphabet or words to explore. You can skip lines while reading, because they appear the wordsnavigate to the page.
Educational toys like cards by Melissa and Doug puzzle opposite or vision to break down the reading and the magic to its essential components. Read Travel and Spin Word Spin Deluxe Family Edition made by Geospace are also excellent ways of spelling and reading for an experience. The concentration on a single word / concept at a time and break down words in letters from children continues to be confused by a wall of text. When using these products to encourage childrentalk about what they read, to check understanding.

Leave LD
Children with LD struggle with writing many of the same problems as children with speech and hearing LD. They have great ideas in my head, but difficult to express in writing with correct spelling and good grammar and spelling. This is a case where the simplest of games can have the greatest impact. Take some 'pressure for depreciation from the children compose their thoughts on a funPanel or dry-erase board. Now kids can remove and / or start their sentences over and over again until everything right.

Math LD
Children with LD struggle with math what the numbers mean and numerical symbols. You have difficulty in memorizing math facts and understanding. At the lowest level, they struggle with mathematical concepts underlying the designs. The game can be the model of games, puzzles, blocks and shape the experience of a child and trust modelsnecessary, are to succeed in mathematics. For example, a toy like games FoxMind 'Logix I give a child practice with shapes and patterns of logic. Once again, the Geospace Travel Math Spin by a fun learning tool for basic operations, removing what is sometimes a terrible feeling of having a child to learn math by himself. Remember, the participation of adults in a family environment with educational games is important to the learning process.

Organization Talent LD
Children with organizational skillsLD have trouble getting an overview of materials and tasks. Also keep in their rooms or tables may be difficult in order. Puzzles and other toys with parts that can go only one way to teach children what may be the subtle habits of the organization. An organizer of Melissa and Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart can get good habits by children, keep in mind their responsibilities and rewards to encourage good habits and behaviors.

Social skills LD
Children with socialAbility LD have difficulty interacting with other people. You've read the facial expressions and gestures and suggestions can make facial expressions and gestures that convey what they really feel. dramatic role play, children can take appropriate standards of social behavior in a safe environment, away from the stress of the consequences is real. Dolls and doll houses, play sets and figures, and dress-up clothes and props, all vehicles used for imaginative play that effective social practicesInteraction.

Dexterity toys LD
Children with LD struggle with motor skills toys both motor skills like balancing, jumping or running, and motor skills such as lace string through hole or a pin to keep right. Toys like skipping ropes, sports equipment, and machine plasma can develop motor skills. Toys such as lacing cards or sets the art such as Melissa and Doug Stamp Set-set and pearls can develop their motor skills. Some toys like building blocks,develop a series of motor skills.

All parents, Toys Take advantage of investment in education
Educational toys can be a valuable resource for children with and without LD. Children can when filling out worksheets or assignments to dry to teach content knowledge to grow bored. In particular, children with LD only hard to understand how to fill out a worksheet. The game with an educational game, on the other hand, can encourage children to spend more (and moreFun!) Time to practice and master new knowledge and skills. Instead of storing information of a child dry mathematics can play an educational game and learn first-hand how to use logic and models to solve a problem. In fact, all parents want their children to develop skills in the areas listed above from an investment in one of the toys will benefit discussed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Kitesurf - Learn kiteboarding quickly and safely

Learn how to surf the waves and a dragon fly is at the same time!

Kitesurfing is one of the "sport today." This sport can be fun, but there are some steps that you take the kite before hitting the water too. Learn to kitesurf be dangerous, but as long as you listen to the professionals and the right knowledge about the programs, then you are going to good.

Learn kite surfing, it is important to know the type of kitethat you plan to use the same time as the controls. The kites are several ways off and the other requirements of the wind. Learn to kite surf, because now as a beginner is better to start with a trainer kite and ask a professional, Start Guide, control and landing. In addition to this, remember that when you buy a kite, it should be instructions or guides are provided. If it does, it is strongly recommended to buy for kite safety. There is also a dragonSafety release system can disable the kite once something gets out of control. Learn to kitesurf also means safety first asked about everything.

After all these are ready, it's time for you to try, or made to move the water over time. Go to the water depth alongside. Line board should be connected to the wiring. Wear a helmet, as a general rule, if you are using a board leash. At this point you can begin to launch your kite.Let the power of the kite pull the bottom of the water. The steering rack should be attached to the belt. On the one hand, to control the dragon and the others must be packed card. Then you insert your foot into the straps on the board. In cases where the first left and then right. Timing and coordination is necessary to take this step. Let the hand holding the edge, if you have the right foot placed in the appropriate range. Keeping up with both handsthe bar and then disconnect the wiring. You have to bend or tilt the body back as the dragon begins to draw. Pull With the power of the kite and resist water under his feet, you will be able to sit on the board. As a beginner you will fall over the edge several times, but it's just more practical. If you believe that you lose your balance, bend the knee is the key to staying on the board.

Once learned that staying on board, the nextStep is to control it. You can check your card depending on the direction that directly. Need to move the weight toward the front when the wind shift to the right or behind, if you want to maneuver against the wind.

Kitesurfing is a fun sport, but always remember to follow the instructions for beginners and are led by experts as one.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Deafness is a disability

At the beginning of this article, I must say that I am a hearing person. I do not have titles in the deaf culture. I feel compelled to write this article in response to a Funeral, which I visited recently. I took part in the false assumptions of many other people are listening to the funeral embarrassed. The purpose of this paper is to broaden the cultural understanding of deafness.

Many people are born deaf. Other deaf people in a very young age, measles, meningitis or otherDiseases. They grow up with their own language, customs, culture and pride. These are the people in this article refers, not those who lose their hearing some time after birth.

I am privileged to have friendships with a number of deaf people. I talk to them about Auslan (Australian Sign Language). I learned that there are big differences between hearing and deaf communities and cultures. I know that many people are listening to a lack of understanding of deafness. My goal isunderstanding.

The funeral was for a deaf friend of mine. I call Kurnai. E 'born deaf and proud to be deaf. He was known and respected in both the deaf and hearing communities. Both deaf and hearing people participated in his speech. A sign language interpreter was present. He interprets the hearing impaired. This was done to translate the visual sign language in spoken English. She also interpreted for the deaf people. He did it through the translation of speechLanguage Auslan.

Kurnai is deaf friends spoke of his love for the sport. They praised his football skills. They spoke of former times, when they played tricks in the school. They spoke of his smile and his love for entertaining. None of them said that he was deaf. Hearing people also spoke of some of the personal characteristics of the Kurnai. However, we have focused so much on the "terrible disability he had. They talked of how well he did, despite itsDisabilities. They were talking about how sad it was that she could not speak. If the truth was that he could not speak. His language, Auslan, is a rich expressive language.

A loving family member was surprised that Kurnai danced with her deaf friend. He had no idea that deaf people can music "feel" through the vibrations in the ground. Another thanked that he now had another life that "talk" would be able to give. Another joked that Kurnai had told him that he was satisfied that he was deaf. CropHearing community laughed in disbelief. The crop deaf smiled and nodded.

Kurnai had an incurable disease. He spent much time in consultation with the medical profession. Their disability was that he did not know his language. In their arrogance, did not deem it necessary, an interpreter at all appointments. Everyone has the right to know what is being said. Even if it's just a simple date. "My temperature, blood pressurenormal ".. It is certainly the right of patients to be able to ask these questions, the doctors would have asked about the possibility that the benefit to the patient:" How do you feel? Do you have pain? "Without an interpreter, these simple questions, no precise answer can be given. Go to the people listening to many deaf people who can understand written English and lip read. In fact, lip-reading, a skill very difficult. Those who understand and master more than 30% mayConversation. Written English uses Auslan grammar and syntax is very different. Therefore, it is very easy to interpret for deaf people misunderstanding what was written. Often smile or a wave of response. Otherwise, take a 50/50 bet to answer is "yes" or "no".

If you try to communicate with a deaf person to follow their example. In general, the gestures and facial expressions is more effective than written communication. Surely he would never try to communicate with someone whose languageEnglish with the help of written English? The same is true when communicating with deaf people. His mother tongue is not English.

Kurnai was a dear friend. The observations, that his hearing would have made friends at his funeral did not matter. As a deaf person, he had smiled and accepted the fact that no harm was intended. This is another example of the differences in our cultures. While listening to the stories of his life, I was excited by the misunderstanding. I was embarrassed bymade 'politically incorrect' statements and the hearing people. I was excited and felt the need to defend the Kurnai claim that "deafness is not a handicap.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to choose the wheelchair sport?

A person with a disability or mobility challenge is not far from the pleasures of life. Many devices and systems are in wheelchairs are well known problems, and sports is one of these devices. It 'an amazing invention, the freedom of people with mobility problems and bring them to the playground to have fun. Participation in sport will not only help to strengthen the participants in the body, but alsoIncreased self-esteem. There are many manufacturers that are suitable for building sports chairs for different needs, and sports that can be used for mobility on a regular basis.

Often a wheelchair sport is light, but offers greater mobility, balance and turning radius. Sport wheelchairs are often expensive and people can not afford more than one that is essential for the most part, requires an adequate effort to find a wheelchair to fit hisUsers.

Disabled sports are often tailor-made to support the players and the sport's true, with the exact specifications. If you're a basketball player, football, rugby, volleyball, tennis, hockey or a pilot, you can make your choice can be a chair sport, a sport can be designed to support and many others. The sport seats are divided into four main types;

Racer: These chairs have a higher speed and lighter weight, designed specifically for racing.

Cycles of hand: to push the chairs with the arm on the chair as a cycle and are good for regular exercise.

Court Wheelchairs: These chairs are in support of the judges in games like basketball, tennis, volleyball, etc. are made

Other: These are special chairs designed for the specific sport or simply for fun and joy of the people. Mountaineering, skiing and other extreme> Sport chairs fall into this category.

Selecting a sports chair is suitable for a complete job, which requires adequate funding, market research and analysis, and so you can sport a chair at a lower cost for your needs. Here are some tips that may help in choosing the appropriate wheelchair sports.

First, assess your budget and finances, much to invest for your passion and mobility.
Search the Internet butthat offered what some dealers and manufacturers and for which costs.
Visit a few shops around to see that sports chairs are available.

Refer to plan to participate in sports chair with the new sport.

Read some of the drivers, the chairs are of such games and sports presented.

If you need it for regular use and mobility of life then vote for your internal and external movement and pathways in which it must operatewith you.

Check the capacity and loading time.

Fully understand what the individual your nearest sports wheelchairs are necessary and what is really necessary.

Check for wheelchair use, and if you have any budget.

Test the wheelchair before a final decision.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Helping students with learning difficulties Head To College

students of today who struggle with learning disabilities to have, and no more than keep them back, but they are going to school despite their disability. There are several steps of preparation that students have difficulty learning to transition from the can high school to university to do so without problems. These preparations begin in high school.

First you have students who have learning difficulties for the development of workSelf-knowledge, while in high school. You have to understand what learning style works best for them. You need to know a whole arsenal of learning strategies in hand, in order to achieve success in school. These strategies may also require more time for testing, music, books, according to them, instead of reading, or read pinned processing of acronyms, so important material.

Next must include the legal rights of the student with a learning disability thathe or she is entitled. Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), which was adopted in 1990, protects the confidentiality of documents, the colleges do not have access to the documentation of disability. Because of § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, universities can not accept discrimination against students with learning difficulties. are students with learning difficulties may be reasonable modifications to complete their training, asas additional time for tests, forms of alternative testing and other things. A difference at the College of High School, the student must take the initiative to ask for help when in college. In high school, the law requires that the school and help to identify LD students, but not so in the school.

Pupils with learning difficulties need to make special preparation for the transition to life collage. Students must be aware of the opportunities they have for the college. Some universities have open admissionPolicies that allow anyone with a bachelor's degree, he entered university. Other criteria are selective, and can only accept students with a certain GPA or test result. There are also two types of university education in length. two-year colleges usually have open admissions policy and allow students to acquire an 'America. These are sometimes referred to as "community colleges. Four-year college or university are often selective in their recordsAcceptance and offer advanced degrees. Some universities have developed programs for students with learning difficulties. People with severe learning difficulties should be one of these institutions.

Just because a student has a learning disability does not mean that he or she can and can not pursue higher education. The law requires reasonable accommodation for persons with LD in colleges and universities. LD students who wish to attend the college you will need agood understanding of learning strategies and what helps them learn better. In this way, some of the research and development, and for the transfer, and students with learning disabilities can succeed and thrive in academia.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to get a free car when disabled

If you have a disability, you may have trouble making ends meet with a fixed income. In addition, you might need a car and without the means to make a purchase. There are some options out there, but so do the following to get a car for free if you are disabled.

Step 1

Go to the local churches in your area. A church, probably will try to help if you are a member, but if not, it's worth a try. Explain all aspects of yourSituation and remember that even if a church can not do, may from another organism, which can be known.

Step 2

Find organizations that help people with the same disability. Ask if there are any programs which provide low cost transportation or to help. Talk to most people in the company, some may know the programs on more than others.

Step 3

Find websites, people to things they want to give away or let things postwho want to be free. Also, check if you have something that can be had for a cheap car industry. While connected to the Internet, use a search engine to find programs that may have the potential to give you a free car park.

Step 4

Visit car dealerships near you. You could do something like a program in place to help people like you. Moreover, it could use the donation as a tax write off. Once again, even if you do not help, couldI know someone who can.


Try out all subsidies for people with disabilities, could be applied. You can be a bit 'of money with which you could buy a car.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Disability and quality of life; Book Review "Thank You"

I'm sure I said, but if not I'll say it here. I firmly believe that your attitude is a very important component of quality of life and your ability - in balance - in fact to manage the chronic illness!

And with that in mind, my advice is to develop a hobby. In your hobby, be sure to share with others, especially the "leaders" in your hobby, your thanks for their efforts. For example, you might decide that you want to be a greatMartha Stewart cooking and use as a template. Once you get something Dook using one of their recipes and rave reviews from your "being," write Martha thank you e-mail or letter! It makes you feel is much better.

For me, I like to read. And when I finished a book I really love, go to your site and let him know, and I thank them. Most, even write back! I also signed a "coaster" of one, and become a "reader reviewer" is one of myFavorite author of the forthcoming book, while in the project.

I have to thank the e-mail I just a writer, so you see what you look like copies. Hope you find a hobby and to thank those who inspire you.

Dear Mr. Katzenbach:

Not sure why I just found, but I am soooo glad I am! The Madman's Tale is the third book of yours that I read, and only them. (With State Of Mind, followed by The Analyst introduction). Yesterday, State of Mind, like thetechnical structure of the analyst, but thought it would be too sad - he was soooo isolated - but really loved The Madman's Tale!

I am a voracious reader (I did "manage" multiple sclerosis for over 45 years, and now I find myself on a full-term disability), especially the books of intrigue. However, I find that more and more novels that have to keep me invested in the book. If the story is too predictable, not simply "Hook Me."

You, sir, you have a magnificent championshipPhraseology, your lyrical prose paints pictures so well that I was in hospital with Lucy, Peter and Francis! I won and you will read later, Hart's War "- a book and the movie. I want to see my mental movie through your words!

He could not help but to document and share with you back to some of my favorite quotes from the story of the madman. These specific rates were so eloquent, it is more accurately represented the rights of subscription or feeling, or, in the case ofFrancis, defined as clear, in my humble opinion (IMHO) and in particular what it means "human" that I could not help but tell you how much your words hit me! His prose I have read every word, and not just skimming to catch the thread of the story and ran "Who did it!"

Many authors are able to describe events, actions, places and things, and some may take the surface quality of the characters. What I find unique, Mr. K., the ability to captureEssence of each "ghestalt" character; raison d'etre (sp?); Unique personality, and like any two cocks in common humanity, but is clearly out of it.

1) p. 168. "When I think back, I can so many little things that mean something .... I was young, was to see, and I did not understand that the crime as all the mechanical parts of a transmission bolts and nuts, screws and pins, all efforts together a dynamic that moves us close control, createby forces that are a bit 'like the wind is invisible, but leaves the characters in a piece of scrap paper that suddenly takes flight and the lines on the sidewalk or a road is dragged to perform a certain way, then the next, or simply remote storm clouds over a dark threatening sky hunting. "

2) p. 200: "We are all defined by the darkness, I thought, anyone can represent something in the summer, but only at night, after the world had closed in, that our true self to come out ..."

3) PGS 218& 219: "At some point later that day, or perhaps after the next, but certainly crazy at some point during the constant procession of people in Lucy Jones accompanied the office, it occurred to me that I never really part of something .... first. As a child, not able to participate is a terrible thing. Perhaps the worst ..... In all the years I have never been invited to a birthday party ever. asked for a night . Not once pushed to the back of a station wagon for an off-the-cuff TravelFriendly in for a sundae. I've never had a phone call the night of gossip about the school or sports or who were normal after the vote seventh dance kiss ..... My life was unique in that it highlights the absence of all the little things that everyone else. "
4), p. 269: "But that was not the real ground of each unit, the contours and topography were really defined by all the diversity of content crazy .." (Note: This really resonates with me as Iwas a director of human resources for over 30 years before I continue disabilities. Every time I walked into a room, I purposely took "stock" of the room temperature, swirling currents and eddies, which was far from the bounce, etc. not I've never seen articulated just as you did!)

5) Page 326: IMHO, this is the vision that a person like Francis, may be the "crazy", but it's still human, separated by a sociopath! I loved how you put it! "My whole life,I just wanted to be normal. Tortured, as Peter and Lucy, were normal. It can run low in the outside world, enjoying the simple things ..... But I could because I knew right then that I have always condemned to be closer in spirit and actions of men are and I hated the man who scared me. The angel was giving and indulging in murderous thoughts all the evil that lay dormant in me. It was a fun house mirror version of me. I had the same anger. L 'same desire. The same evil. I had just hidden in it, has discarded lies in the deepest hole in me that I could find and cover with a crazy thought, like rocks and dirt, so that was buried, where I hoped it would never burst. "

In these few words, has clearly articulated the essence of "free will". And, IMHO, because God has given man free will. He wants us to reduce, control of the forces of evil, and do what is "correct" choice, not. Coersion

Were you able to paint the essence of being "acceptable", which made the reputation of being human, with "rights." And finally, this is what all people to live their lives, are only recognized as existing.

Well, I have taken too much of your time. If you want to use my words as a review of your book anywhere, do not hesitate to do so.

Also, if you ever need a reader to read a piece of your new book (s), I'd like to doSun

Thanks, again looking for hours! I'll probably write again after finishing Hart's War!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Open your eyes to the sport in a wheelchair

sports for the disabled have been discovered and practiced by the fact that disabled people may still be able to, regardless of their physical or mental sport. In this way, people with some problems with certain disabilities or illnesses are their wheelchairs to be inspired by the sport you love through the use of.

In addition, there are different types of wheelchair sports such as ping pong, hockey,Basketball, racing, badminton, bowling and many others. Thus, the wheelchair players can really choose their desired sport that they really wanted. And they can do it easily through the use of manual or electric chairs, chairs, as long as they are comfortable with it, or are they really required to do so.

On the other hand, if you use the player of wheelchairs or electric chairs, is not only the ordinary wheelchairs. These wheelchairs are related to specificspeed and quality. You can ensure that they are quite safe and competitive in the game.

Among the games that are played by players, are the most common are wheelchair basketball and wheelchair tennis. These games are played almost the same as the usual games, but there are only small differences. So, let's take a closer look at them.

Wheelchair Basketball

sports for the disabled began in 1946, and wheelchair basketball wasintroduced in 1956. Pan Am jet was the first team who won the contest. After the sport was this famous and well known.

Speaking of rules in a wheelchair basketball, are almost the same as the usual game of basketball. The main difference is that travel in general.

In addition, players will be classified by the level or degree of capacity of 1.0, which means completely paralyzed decide to 5.0 players who are not disabled.


In this game players are the same for wheelchair users to pay as usual tennis players. There are two or four players in this game. The only difference is that players do not run as they meet with their wheelchairs and for them to reach the ball.

This court in a wheelchair was started by Brad Parks in 1970. Then it became very popular. This is really exciting and fun for people with disabilities. You just have to consider that with the rightWheelchair, the strong and high quality for them to maneuver easily.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Different types of wheelchairs

Wheelchairs are well known for great uses. These are very useful for those who need to do to help to walk, move, or do many things they have done previously on the basis of disability, may immobility, and other reasons. Wheelchairs are actually chairs as normal, but the difference is that the wheels, so that these wheels to move the patient.

Wheelchairs started in the 6th century, historically. Since then, people appreciated the role of considerablethem. And these days, there are many types of wheelchairs is renewed over time. As with other inventions, wheelchairs will be renovated to better use. So it's no wonder there are different types of wheelchairs that are now with different functions that are more tailored to the needs of the person in a wheelchair.
So if you intend to buy for yourself or your family or love, it is more beneficial to you, the different kinds and types of these know that you recognizewell that is better suited for him or her. Here are the most common of these.

Hand operated wheelchairs

manual wheelchairs are the most common and oldest of the wheelchair. It 'started from a manual wheelchair for a long period of wood. It has a seat, footrest, four wheels and handles on the back. This manual wheelchairs need someone to push them to move. This can also move on n, simply press the wheels by hand to move it. There are fewto keep variations of this manual wheelchairs can sometimes be easier, harder, bigger, or smaller.

Electric wheelchairs

Electric wheelchairs are moved using an electric motor, to be sure. Users can automatically control the movement and speed with the use or pressing the buttons or the joystick. Thus, to serve them faster and more convenient, since they do not need someone to push a wheelchair, this can give more autonomy to the userthemselves.

sports for the Disabled

sports wheelchairs are designed for people who love to play sports still their favorite. These wheelchairs are powered by an electric motor and have more speed and better performance, since these sports are to be used in games. These wheelchairs are specialized exciting sport in terms of speed and skill with great control for the game anymore.

Well, if you buy this at all, please noteneeds of disabled people 'and interest, the wheelchair wheelchair more useful and worthy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wheelchair Sports - Why Not wheelchair basketball?

Too few people with disabilities can achieve with the sport. Many despair at their apparent disadvantage and at the end in view of physical therapy and psychological benefits of sports offered to play. wheelchair basketball is an option for people with disabilities and helps with their self-confidence and provide an opportunity to socialize with others. A little 'fact is that I know of wheelchair basketball is played at international levelCompetition.

After the Second World War many American soldiers were confined to a wheelchair, and wheelchair basketball was born. In 1946, these veterans were playing their first game, then more and more in one of the most popular sports in the world.

At Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England, the Department of spinal cord injury, is in Europe for its advances in the treatment and rehabilitation known. The staff encourages the exercise, including the addition of wheelchair basketballin 1956. It is not surprising that the hospital was later to form the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation.

There are many international competitions take place today, sport plays an important role in the Paralympic Games since its opening in 1960 Rome Games. Every 2 years after the Paralympics, is the event at the Gold Cup qualifying. USA, Canada, Australia, England, Japan and the Netherlands currently dominate the sport.

True toRules of the International Basketball Federation, the games are on a regulation size field and a basketball player of 10 feet. Sure, some rules must be adjusted. Players are not allowed to touch the wheels more than twice after receiving or dribbling the ball. Before you can process the wheels once again, have to jump or shoot the ball

Many countries now have to admit mixed teams composed of participants without disabilities, and players with disabilities. Youwheelchair basketball can be mixed in countries such as Canada, Australia and England to see. usually wheelchair players teams to work on a points system that governs the makeup of the team in terms of disability reliable. Some players have complete paralysis below the chest.

This type of basketball is fast, very competitive and difficult. The games are exciting and fun to watch for the spectators. Wheelchairs crack speed is quite common! wheelchair basketball is played byPlayers and fans for all their work, making it the ideal sport for people with disabilities who want to remain competitive on a life, sports, or those who refuse to let their disabilities hold them apart.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Group Disability Insurance Benefits

The purpose of health and dental insurance is to protect the physical well-being. With a disability group insurance, an employer can offer its employees some 'peace of mind when it comes to their finances.

It is a life, when it comes to financial gain. If there is a drastic change, then the family would have a hard time adapting to it. At least, if the employee disability insurance, this would not be much of a concern, because the money stillenter

A company that offers group insurance as the ability of its workforce that takes care of its population. Disability Insurance Group to increase the 'workers' confidence in the stability of society and can also provide their services to companies for a long period.

They believe that the company is worth investing in what will always be advantages for them.

Normally, an insurance company, group disability insurance can be For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They provide their customers with forms that can fill in and a brochure, what can the company expect their employees health insurance.

They also informed about the definition of disability and what are considered or the ability for group insurance.

To further develop the definition of group insurance capacity is involved, you should know that there are essentially two types of> Disabilities. There are short-term disability and long-term disability. Short-term temporary disability includes back injuries or sports mishaps.

Car injuries are classified as short-term disability. With this type of disability that employers offer the weekly income of their employees, the work could not.

Long-term disability informed employees that their illness or be protected during theAccident. It 'important to have this type of insurance group skills, because there is no way to guarantee health, wealth and safety of workers.

The good thing about this incident, that if the employee has taken, there is the certainty that relieve pain, the cost on a financial aspect, it is.

At least the employees do not pay the full amount. That is the purpose of the term permanent disability insurance.

The employer can gain the confidenceof all their employers by providing them with disability insurance group.

This allows employees of companies for a long time to work. A group of disability insurance is so worth the investment

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Table tennis and your health - a new option exercise

Many members of our society cringe when they hear the word exercise. Visions of boring repetitions of sit-ups and miles on the treadmill without brains are not reasons to get one and move. Ping Pong is a wonderful alternative to other training opportunities boring. It can be downloaded at any time of year. Most devices are inexpensive and does not require much space. Folding tables can be stored when not in use and moved indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather.

The table top> sport is a good aerobic activity. After all, is one of the fastest sport around. Creation of an effective aerobic training does not require that you press or drive to exercise. Earn a few hours a week playing this game at any level, can be beneficial to cardiovascular health. Sport is unlikely to get bored because you never play the same game twice. You can add a partner or alone, using an operating table tennis robot. Regardless of whether your partner is human or robot, you can determine how to make training difficult.

Not only does this sport can be an effective training, is a game, or restriction can be enjoyed by all people, regardless of age or disability. Is not confined to a group of people. able-bodied athletes and athletes with disabilities, young players and older players, men and women, all against each other to compete on equal terms. Indeed, it is a non-contact> Sports in various thicknesses and sizes can take the player the advantage against the other, without using the. Players are also eliminating the need for sport to play too concerned about the bruises and broken bones result, often are.

This board game is a great way to exercise your brain. According to the clinical neuroscientist and psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen, author of "doing a good Brain Great: The Amen Clinic Program for achieving and maintainingOptimal Mental Performance ", table tennis is the best sport to the body exercising the brain. Many areas of the brain are to play are put to use if you have a game. Keep both the upper and lower parts, use the hand-eye responsibility for coordination and aerobic activities. This game engages the brain on many levels. The more you engage your brain, the sharper will be.

Another advantage is that the game is constantly developing hand-eye coordination. ConsistentWe will play to help maintain and further develop this important skill. hand-eye coordination is necessary for the daily agility. Bad eye-hand coordination can lead to accidents and injuries. This game will help you keep your hand-eye coordination at a high level. This is an additional benefit for the elderly, the practice of the game. It helps you to remain vigilant and to respond to this situation.

The benefits of this sport to be seen all over the world. table tennis clubs are set inschools to engage children who are struggling academically or socially are. Children who take the game to demonstrate the ability to improve communication, better school attendance, higher self-esteem, and more attentive and willing to participate. This game is a tool that is used throughout the world for our children grow into confident, healthy young men and women.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Autism - Why My Autistic Son Is More Intelligent Than I Am

One of the biggest problems for people with disabilities, particularly those with learning disabilities such as autism is the limited opportunity for social inclusion. People do not always appreciate how powerful they are and despite autism I always knew my son was very intelligent. Last night showed that.

I decided that it should be the age of eighteen years my son to do "out there", things that his colleagues might well last night I had with the local BadmintonClub

I was a bit 'anxious, because there are clubs and there are "club" - you know, that if members are cliquey places seriously competitive and never seem to have fun, provided you do not win.

My son does not understand the competition. Neither he understands the rules of badminton, a goal that is, how to stand on which side of the field or when. He knows exactly where it is a flying side of the net, usually more on the right side, hisOpponents faces and turn the flywheel to beat each other.

This usually does not require a lot of movement - has at least in his name, because it's very good eye / hand coordination, and long arms, it was so last night a whole new experience for him.

It 'started well enough. The club was more of a social enterprise, and everyone seemed very friendly and welcoming. I told whoever would listen about his autism, and that he does not really talk. I do not haveI want them to think that was rude when he ignored their attempts at conversation.

There were five dishes, four players in each game and a few others in the wings ready when the opportunity arises. We knocked on the court almost immediately and our first partner, a male and a female just us. This was in order because, in addition to four players instead of two, Jodi was the one that was used.

The second "Match" was a bit 'more lively. Another male and femalePartner with us but this is obviously a bit 'more serious and wanted a real game was to play.

I explained to Jodi partner as he hit the fly, did not understand the rules or the idea was to win. Since I do not feel I had no chance on the winning side I asked if he would like me to play with my son.

He assured me it was okay and we would just play and see how it turned out.
It 'a good start but then I'm really confused because JodiIt should be remembered when they use or exchange. This, of course, your partner must also exchange.

The first few acts were good, although to be taken in the face with an acceleration of spring ball, but soon lost it. As soon as he approached the spot where his companion told him to stay, as he had to move again. When he tried to sweetness, which needed to be detailed, he beat her and beat her on the arm.

He's a great guy and very strong. I feltmortified. I rushed around the net to him apologising profusely to his partner as I went just in time to stop him from tipping the whole net over.

He was not impressed and I had visions of us being banished before we'd ever really got started. However, he soon calmed down and stroked his partner's arm saying "Sorry".

She was just wonderful and despite the huge red handprint on her arm kept reassuring me it was alright. It appears she worked in the "community", whatever that means. I just know I was extremely grateful for her understanding.

After that we played three more matches but no-one asked or expected Jodi to swap sides so I guess word must have got round.

I did suggest to him at one stage that he should "move his feet" and he responded immediately with a shoe shuffle the like of which the penguin in Happy Feet would have been proud. It wasn't quite what I'd had in mind though.

Still, everyone was very impressed with Jodi and whilst he didn't physically move around the court very much, he rarely ever missed a shot. He didn't even appear to be watching the game either. He'd just raise his racquet and swing.

Often he casually had one hand on his hip as if to say "Why am I waiting?" or his finger in his right ear to shut out the noise echoing around the high ceiling sports hall, which did make things a bit awkward since he is right handed. Still it didn't appear to affect his ability to connect to the flying plastic Rocket.

A player who hit me some earplugs for him to wear to avoid the noise and I can only do so if we knew the next week. Yes, we called to get rid of!

So now I suppose you want to know why I think my son was very smart last night, right? Well, this morning I can hardly move. Everything around and share what the pages that have great and my body hurts in places I did not even know I had taken muscles.

Jodi is as fresh as a daisy - Guess Whothe smart one?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you have a Social Security disability claim? Consider hiring a lawyer SSD

If you are looking for social security disability claims, your best chance to be heard and win your claim of legal certainty, hire a lawyer experienced in social disability. Once you think you are entitled to receive in search of a lawyer SSD are started. As an experienced attorney, your attorney SSD have the necessary skills for the confused flow of documents, appeals, and requires the government forms necessary to safely navigateComplaint. But with so many lawyers on the market, how do you know which lawyer is right for you? Consider these titles, such as experience and background, specialization, and good old gut instinct fashion. Social Security lawyers, and sheets all have abilities that benefit your application. Select a SSD lawyer with extensive experience in the function of government, or choose a lawyer that is specifically focused on social security disability law. Search for lawyers and prosecutors, the SSDknow the system.

Apart from knowledge and experience SSD law, his attorney SSD also be a trustworthy person. It's your lawyer SSD on the Internet through the phone? If your lawyer can not answer your questions, and other social disability lawyers can refer? The lawyers returned phone calls on time? All these terms can be up to a relationship of trust and success with your lawyer SSD, or it may mean that this law is not necessarily right forThem.

Once you select a lawyer security social disability to ensure that all communications go through your lawyer. Your lawyer SSD will ensure the government receives the correct form and quick. This may seem, though give everyone control your case, but in reality you are so that your lawyer to do their job and doing it well. Social Security disability law is confused, and rename the lawyer SSD as primary communicationSource removed to avoid many errors and false assumptions about the appraisal.

So now you have a social security agreement chosen lawyer, and you have given your permission, your representatives in government. That's it, right? Sit back, relax and wait to process your request? Not really. While his lawyer SSD are you happy, can not fill all the paperwork for you, nor can they sign their signature on the necessary forms. Get your favorite penand work with your lawyer SSD write clearly and accurately your information. Use the best art of writing - you do not want to do this twice! Do not worry about knowing all the forms filled out, your lawyer entitled to Social Security disability, and have done all the paperwork. You must complete and sign only.

The social security disability claim is a confusing and often lengthy process. To represent the right choice of lawyer will help SSDmake the process much easier, and eventually you may end up with a claim accepted faster than you ever thought possible!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

With a portable crane car is not impossible, possible

Troubled. This is the feeling that people with disabilities often by people who have problems with the transfer of land from one to hear his wheelchair into the car. Similarly, this effort has brought more sad feelings of a person receiving disability in itself nothing but a burden.

To avoid this situation, so you may want to use the electric car built in hoist. With the transfer tables, cranes and seats that rotate out of the car is a disabled person to be raisedfrom his wheelchair before moving into the car and fell into the car seat.

With a portable car lift, not a disabled person to seek help from someone and he or she would have without the feeling of helplessness, his expense, not a big problem. Other than that, it also has a wheel that can be converted into a trailer to tow a vehicle capable of. The crane car is made of a portable base assembly of a module frame with a platform that can be raised, aCranes and a trailer with a suspension. It also includes a guide to safety, the assembly platform to fall.

You do not need too much energy to handle the product, while the hook and cast the lifting of the wheelchair. You only need two hands, but if you have exceptional grip, it can also load to handle with one hand. It will only be at first that it might take a little 'difficult to treat.

The crane consists of a portable car seriesof various kinds. These are:

or disabled vehicle (WAV)

The person in a wheelchair can be a passenger or a driver at the same time.

O rear of the crane

Attending to lift the wheelchair in the trunk.

wheelchair or trailer

Equipped for larger wheelchairs and scooters, small cars

Or portable ramp

This tool is available on the opposite end of the vehicle.

or on the roof of the crane

Able to pick up the wheelchair from the ground andor automatically transferred to the roof.

oe rack containers

Provides enough space in the car

There are certain things that must be noted on the checklist. The following are good leaders;

Known or if the wind is able to fit in your car. There are some models, the assembly of the winch is not suitable, please remember that the crane will only fit into a few types.

O observed when the winds still leaves enough space, if you're not carrying a wheelchair.

OCheck the size of the trunk or hatch.

Be sure to fold the chair or scooter or wheelchair or easy to remove.

o Check for any event, if the wind is strong enough to lift the wheelchair. Also, do not forget the heavier weight of the battery you use, if the wheelchair or scooter can be driven are included.

Or see if the wind is easy to use, the correct positioning of controls, the shape of their hooks and how the hook.

Probably a greatNumber of people worldwide are still curious to know how packed this group of pulleys, composed of various functions of the lifting hoist, crane and all by myself without being wrapped, as it goes all the way through the wire. However, these people do not ignore the fact that this type of equipment a good help in a wheelchair or scooter is safe on the road.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Federal Law on Disability

People with disabilities enjoy protection from discrimination at work under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This federal law applies to businesses employing fifteen or more employees for a minimum period of at least 20 weeks.

Under its provisions, employers can not discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability:

/ rent

Ø Application Process

o Promotion

Facts and Services

or discharge and dismissal

or OtherEmployment

Persons with disabilities also have the right of rights, the following:

or medical examinations and inquiries

The employer may not ask applicants about the existence, nature or severity of disability. Duties applicant solely on their ability to perform certain requests.

A job offer will be based on the results of a medical examination, but only if the examination is required for all incoming employeesJobs similar. Medical examinations of employees must be job-related and consistent with business needs of the employer.

or abuse of drugs and alcohol

Employees and applicants currently use illegal drugs not covered by the ADA when an employer acts because such use.

Employers may hold illegal drug users and alcoholics to the same performance standards of other employees.

It 'also unacceptable retaliation against an individual's employment practices to counterthat discrimination based on disability or for filing a charge of discrimination, to testify or to give instructions in any manner in an investigation or prosecution under the ADA.

Legal definition of disability

Walking disability under the ADA applies to persons, including the activities are thought to be a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life, speech, vision and learning.

A person with a disability hassome reasonable job accommodation for any employer taxes and compliance. Some of these homes are:

restructuring or work, then disable an employee with a performance of his work

Or extra medical workers has left

or allocation of staff to a free position or the light

or installation of special equipment for disabled workers

Or Change or Change record of the employee working hours

or provide the employee witha qualified interpreter or a reader

o Making existing facilities readily accessible or usable for people with disabilities

To encourage the practice, people with disabilities, the federal government offers tax rebates or tax incentives for employers and employees with disabilities. This phase is also carried out to promote the accessibility of public housing.

Action against discrimination against people with disabilities

If you believe you have been discriminated againstbecause of your disability, your attorney may make a discrimination complaint against the party for the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.

As required by law, the charge of discrimination within 180 days of alleged discrimination filed. She has only 300 days within which you can base the charge on the state or local law.

To help you pursue your case against an individual or an employer, you must hire the services of an employment attorneyspecializing in disability discrimination cases. His skills and experience can help you win the case against discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Social Security Disability and unemployment benefits

If you watch the evening news, the numbers are impressive: two thousand people in my state, and the unemployment rate in the air. Jobs no one wanted to pre-, Cinema validation and water park workers are suddenly in demand McDonalds. Young people looking for summer jobs are forced to mow lawns and washing windows, or are they just video games instead. For those who are laid off and jobless people to find? You have two choices: join the struggle to understandapply for another job, or for state aid.

A type of government support is unemployment benefits. Public employees have seen a dramatic rise in unemployment applications in recent months. Unemployment benefits can help an individual support and / or family, while for another job, the look may be in the market for a while '. But in the end the benefits at some point, it is only a temporary solution. And those who receive unemployment benefit must be a peopleThey say they are willing and able to work. This disqualifies them for SSI disability benefits or welfare, which are reserved for the work they may be willing but unable.

Social security disability applications has increased dramatically in recent months, perhaps up to 20-30% compared to last year, confirming that the market is a difficult time. Social security disability, as opposed to unemployment, continuous Benefits that reduce the rule does not have the time. The amount received varies depending on the disability, the person's age, other income or receive the type of services requested and the number of employees.

While Social Security Disability or SSI is a great way for those who find it difficult to work, has its drawbacks. The rules, or ads are disabled to find a very specific and sometimes difficult to prove. Even with 20-30% moreflooded candidate> Disability in already, it's a long wait. There is a disabled SSI American to deny three times together for over a period of 2-3 years before it is finally approved, or disability. For this reason alone, many of the lawyers with disabilities disability setting, push their claims through disability or SSI the system.

If you are unemployed and to explore options, consider that government support can useful if you choose the right kind of help. If you have a disability prevents you from working, Social Security disability can be the best choice, but apply in a hurry because you're waiting. They have no work disability and can not find, however, these services can help you make the unemployment, keep the water as it goes. For more information, please contact the State Work Force services or financial aid office or the national social security> Disability Online. Wherever you are in the process, good luck.