Tuesday, May 24, 2011

World Day of Disabled

The world's progress towards entry to all areas of life. But if we look at the corporate sector, it feels as if something is missing. Money, power, greed, etc., is the desire of every person to achieve. But we can not deny that we are all with loads of social problems that are hard nuts to crack limited. The key to success and self-satisfaction that is missing in most companies. Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly, many or all membersa society and as problems to be controversial in terms of moral values, or both. Social issues include poverty, violence, pollution, injustice, illiteracy, corruption, corruption, suppression of human rights, discrimination and crime, child abuse, rape, dowry system, the 'Abortion, sex, etc.

For many social problems, I believe that the rights of exceptional people who are neglected by all. Nobody wants to hear. No body wants to correct them love and care.They are rejected by most companies. Because of the bad behavior of people are after many difficulties, to explore their talents and creativity. Now is the time when you think again about our attitude to need them. Tall calls from government officials, the special needs of people where they were stored by the previous government and the opportunities are still crying for their rights will be given.

I did my research for seven years at the Aga Khan OnlineWelfare Board Committee for exceptional people. I came to this institution and came to know their feelings and emotions. Later I studied many books and met many children of borderline category of different schools in Karachi. The bitter truth was revealed. I realized that they were totally deprived of our society and were considered crazy, this is not true.

I think one has to define the right of every man in his perception, until he / she knows thatdeep and perfect. But it is a matter of despairty in Pakistan that children be considered as another exception. People try to give their definitions of it, without the correct definition of the human person. Humans act like an animal and a lack of concern for them.

We try to understand the extraordinary people?

Those who have the IQ, which are different from the average of two or more standard deviations called ExtraordinaryPeople. Mentally disabled are those who have expressed two or more standard deviations below the mean. While people who score two or more standard deviations above the mean of talented people are called.

Categories in terms of IQ are as follows:

A board or Line 70 above (and understand format)
O 70-50 Mild (educable)
50-35 or moderate (training)
O heavy 35-20 (skills Miniman)
O 20-0 deep (nursing)

Thus we can say,that

"Exceptional children who are missing motor, cognitive, language, social development and emotional skills or self-help."

Imagine sitting in Japan to communicate with Japanese students in Japanese. How do you feel? In that moment you are your own language can be called out as people do not speak or understand. But this is considered by you as a normal reaction because you know you are normal. If this is the case, then how could the mostexplain to the rest of us to judge the spiritual, without their talent and abilities that God has given them.

That disability is everything?

Disability is the inability of normal activities in a way it is. "

"A disability is the expression of a physical or mental limitation in a social context, the gap between the capabilities of a person and a more environmentally friendly."

(Pope and Tarlov, 1991)

A personDisabled means that because of injury, illness or congenital malformations, in companies of any occupation or employment and the employment of disabled includes persons who are both blind as well. In short, those extraordinary people who either lack one of the areas of development.

Disability refers to the effects of alteration or activities generally accepted as the benefits, as the basic elements of everyday life. Disability can be used when amight be affected, objectively defined, represents a barrier to mobility or domestic routines and communication skills. "

After the social model

"It is the result of the interaction of humans and the environment and is not specific to humans or the environment disabilities.

Note that the physically handicapped, blind, deaf, autism, language disorders, learning disabilities, mild, medium, hard, deep,Borderline, etc., are some of the most important categories of exceptional people from many others. People with special educational needs are often invisible, unheard and countless people in Pakistan. Are the most marginalized. People with disabilities face overwhelming barriers in education, training and daily life.

The United Nations estimates that about 600 million people worldwide have a disability and that the vast majority of the extraordinary people living in low and middleIncome. The percentage of extraordinary people in Pakistan to 1998 Census 2.49 percent of the total population that is very different from the estimates of the World Bank, the UN and the WHO.

These children have the same right to freedom of expression, quality education and access to safe and healthy environment in accordance with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, for full rights and duties as citizens, have confirmed in the Declaration UN human rightsRights, 1948, "Education for All (1990), UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Special Needs (1993), Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action (1994), Dakar Framework for Action (2000), UN Millennium Development Goals (2001) and the national policy for persons with disabilities (2002) to guarantee the rights of all children, with and without disabilities, the quality of training that individuals receive their needs, abilities and ambitions, and full equalityParticipation in all other aspects of life such as participation in decisions and voting, etc.

But this proved false accusations when disabled people have raised their voices in the media, how brutal they are treated as a company in Pakistan.

For example, to obtain a quality education is right for each round, but again, no schools, colleges and universities have been installed by the government to their needs. Thanks to private NGOs that there was aInitiative and has established some schools for pupils with special educational needs.

The issue of uniqueness becomes increasingly important worldwide and in Pakistan. started the movement for a company the rights to many national organizations, the World Bank and other donors to this question included in their mandates. Rich governments policies including the processes of granting travel booking facilities, special training facilities, etc. But it framedThe question is whether these mandates have been made, if it is implemented, and those who implement it? No concessions will be released off of assets in any of Pakistan so far there is a school where they could learn skills without cost. NGOs have institutions that need a lot of money from parents to support their children.

The country has ratified several international conventions, national policy was promulgated in 2002, initiated the revision of the Regulation onWork to increase the employment rate to two per cent would be to develop job opportunities and initiatives to ensure "inclusive education". But so far, no action taken by any government.

A framework for inclusive education and training in Pakistan in 1980, well beyond established that most of the countries in the developing world. But despite these efforts, the sad fact that most people are completely disabled and their familiesUN-served by the government - and the resources of NGOs. There is an urgent and thorough research data on the causes, prevention of disease and efforts to understand the disability and economic and social realities in relation to the possibilities.

The biggest obstacle to employment and other socio-economic benefits for people with special in our society continue to be attitudinal barriers, stereotypical thinking and assumptions about what people with disabilities and can not.The truth is that the range of ability within a panel is huge. We need to get rid of our stereotypical images and view each "individual" not just a person. "

Only limited categories of disabilities (physical disabilities such as amputation of the foot and leg deformities, blind and deaf), were not detected at the national level and most of the data by gender. Therefore, quantitative data disaggregated at national level bySex and age is required for a comprehensive policy and an assessment of progress. In Pakistan there is only the ministry responsible for social education and special person that touches the outstanding issues. In addition, the Pakistanis believe that people with special needs a social burden and a curse on the family. These beliefs lead to misunderstanding of disability. You prevent people from obtaining accurate information and educated. EmploymentOpportunities for them are very limited and are a financial burden for their families.

While there are extraordinary people with some common problems that you are limited in their daily lives.

Some of the problems of exceptional people

or hyperactivity;
distractibility O;
or impulsivity;
Or the fear of withdrawal;
or anxiety and phobias;
or eating disorders;
O Echholahia;
or movement problems;
or depression;
O SuicidalBehavior;
or difficult temperament;
Or Conduct Disorder;
or aggression;
or obsessions and compulsions;
O reluctant speech;
or eliminate the interference;
Suicidal stimuli or apathy;
or injury, etc.

People with disabilities face a multitude of social, economic, physical and political factors that impeded the free movement in society. These barriers are a misunderstanding and stigmatization of the abilities and desires of people withDisabilities. There is also a serious lack of information data, rules and regulations, rehabilitation centers, and main streaming services specialized for people with special educational needs.

The main problem of the community to which I contributed my efforts is "The rights of special people." I worked as a teacher / tutor / coach for seven years of extraordinary people. Since my childhood I had the intention of social work for extraordinary people, because I had a natural linkto resolve them.

I have dealt with all types of students of the class profound, severe, moderate and mild. But I have worked mainly with "borderline" students who want their rights, which are facing the big problem in every society and every community that wants to explore their creativity by others, he expects that the love of others and that others accept it as a normal existence.

I believe that every individual can make a difference. I thank God for this beautifulStudents trusted me, gave me the tape of the report and welcomed me with all my heart in my first year of voluntary service. They shared all their problems with me and I thank God that I have accepted the special allowance for them. I have her voice trembled in their statement, they want to hear their expectations. But still, they listened in every society, they take care of them and love them. While working for their rights, I had many difficulties in ourSociety.

I can not do everything alone, but at least I have a little change in their lives, which brought a great reward for me. The problems to be solved completely, only possible if the company join hands.

or media should take the initiative to discuss their problems in order to create awareness among the masses
or inclusive education should be made compulsory in all schools as part of their curriculum.
campaign or for studentsParents 'teachers' should be collected in each community.
jobs, or people need to be made ​​available to disable
or Your needs should be addressed.
Awareness or should be made to their questions from movies and dramas Telecasting.
o They should not be called special.
o The competition should be raised in each community for the younger students so they know their rights.
Or do you have the right to study in ordinary schools with special needs.
o The government shouldInstallation of new curriculum for them.
or psychological tests should be made mandatory to identify their needs and areas for development.
You need to work or getting missing in Pakistan. To find jobs in state institutions.

Everyone can contribute to society:

or raise awareness by participating in international competitions.
OR By participating in awareness campaigns.
or development of new programs for their national policyLevel.
o With these facilities for education and social justice.
o To raise funds for them and to find more job opportunities for them.
o Ambassador Extraordinary people in Pakistan.
o The actual implementation of human rights laws that made by the United Nations.
Due to motivate or more enthusiastic.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Postponing the disabled and elderly riders

How long you live is not as important as the quality of your life while you're alive. Most Americans over 70 can not run or walk fast. Most Americans over 70 can not lift a weight 25 pounds over his head. Most Americans over 70 can not take common household chores, the force, as the setting of a locked door, removing leaves and snow from their driveways or lift heavy objects.

Regular riders can do all these tasks and about 70 more. A study by StanfordUniversities in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that older people are running and other aerobic activities less than people who run not want to die. Non-runners were more than three times more likely to die as a runner, but the news is not exciting. The most important finding is that older men and women who exercise regularly can not sport much less likely to suffer from any form of disability than people.

The researchers studied 370 members of aRunning Club for people aged 50 years and older, and 249 community members who do not belong to the club running. They were 50-72 years at baseline of 13 years. The runners had much lower rates of death, which was expected, and less disability, such as arthritis, which is awesome.

A 13-year follow-up, and the average age of the club race was 70.9 years and the average age of 73.6 years was tested for the community. The running clubMembers had health problems significantly fewer than non-club members, not the runners were in poor health, for comparison, which seemed to live in another municipality. Furthermore, the rate of progression to different levels of disability was slower in the members of the club racer as much as the control group. The authors concluded that "life, disability, a rate hike may be healthy, in a move until a few years before the death of one, if it develops."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preventing head injuries in sports

Injuries are inevitable in any kind of physical sport. Some lesions may not be as bad as the others, but basically we can prevent the occurrence of any event. would like to try one of the worst violations, is the concussion or head injury. This is very dangerous, regardless of the type of sport you're using. Here are some steps done to prevent head injuries.

It may seem insignificant, but choosing the right shoes with a lot to preventType of head injury did not happen. If you can not wear the right shoes during a game, you can slip and hit his head on the floor so. This is why even today people want the shoes are designed according to the type of sports are used to

If you are an avid cyclist, it is extremely important that you wear a helmet. There are quality helmets on the market today so be sure to buy for yourHobby. Studies indicate that the proper use of helmets on the severity of head injury up to ninety percent reduced. Well, this is a big percentage when it comes to head injuries.

Sometimes even if you think you all for a sport oriented, head injuries can still happen, so you better head injuries that you know some basic first aid treatment on a people who are suffering. If such an incident if it happens, be sure to keep victimsaware. Keep talking with the victim and not move until help arrives.

If the victim loses consciousness when his head, seek medical attention at once strikes. Do not try to act heroically groped to solve the problem yourself. This can only add further violations and make it worse.

Hopefully not the worst of all, but prevention is always better than cure, so we must always be made against any type of physical activity asSport. Check the head protection top priority, because you do not know of a serious accident can happen.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Home Based Jewelry Designer - Disability Opportunities

With a disability does not change just for the opportunity to work independently. With your home computer and plug in the Internet, you can start your adventure as an entrepreneur. With your passion for jewelry production, and develop the technical skills and jewelry, is a wonderful business opportunity for you. You just need to get started.

There is a large market for many kinds of original jewelry. There are many people who are interested Jewels for the car, children, adolescents, young adults and the elderly. People want to buy jewelry for their activities, interests, hobbies, sports, extracurricular activities, church events, fundraising, and much more.

Once there you open your eyes and mind of outlets, your imagination with ideas of design so much is that there are not enough hours or years to complete all the jewelry designs you want to do.

Regardless of yourDisability> generates the personal computer at home in collaboration with the money of the phone for your love and passion of jewelry design and jewelry production. A designer jewelry at home has a part-time and full-time job or from the Internet.

You are the classic entrepreneur, the challenges that can transform your jewelry design a product that will produce income for you and your family welcome.

Do you have travel restrictionsbecause of your disability? This is not a problem.
The home based business jewelry allows you the flexibility to plan your disability to care for your activity and exercise at your own pace. Many pieces of jewelry and supplies company, providing business cards, stationery, office supplies and other necessities ordered with a personal computer, and everything is delivered to your home.
Jewelry for your store or jewelry that are sold online may be picked up orsupplied by delivery companies to take their business and to send packages to any U.S. city or international market.

You have the ability to control your life as you build a home business as a jewelry designer. Building a business is interesting and exciting. You can build your business as big as you want. You can control the growth of their business.

As a jewelry designer, jewelry of them, because:
They want to work for themselves and meet their objectives
You have original ideas for your jewelry designs
Want to earn more
You have flexibility to organize your day as you want.

Start today. Visit the home of Tricia Deed http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ magazine and "The AZ steps to becoming a jewelry designer."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Table Tennis - a sport of Equal Opportunities

Table tennis is a sport enjoyed by millions of people around the world. This is an inclusive sport, skills and education can be played by people of all. If a player can serve and give the ball, you can play. This is a sport that does not exclude people because of physical disability. Nor can lead to significant changes remain open to all.

Ping Pong is a part of the Paralympic Games since 1960. The program consists of fivewheelchair divisions and five divisions permanent disability. Athletes can qualify for the Paralympics in one of three ways. You can IPTTC regional powers to win in their individual category will be one of the best international players in their first class, or can be selected as a wildcard player.

The International Table Tennis Committee for the Disabled (ITTC) began in 1976, at a time when there were no other sports organizations, which provided for the disabled. L 'Committee has changed its name in 2003 to the International Paralympic Table Tennis Committee (IPTTC). In 1997 he created a display IPTTC Web site and maintain charts, rules and other general information. Were again leading the way with their thoughts as this website was the first of its kind in sports organizations for the disabled. IPTTC continue to sport a great job to get information about people who are interested. To date, athletes frommore than 100 countries have participated in international tournaments sanctioned IPTTC.

It takes practice and patience to be a world-class athlete, not whether the athlete is disabled or physically. Athletes with physical disabilities are not only competing against other players with disabilities is limited. Table tennis is a sport of balance. Bodied and physically disabled people can compete against each other. Many players started the Paralympic sport racingagainst non-disabled friends and family. Although it can be for players in wheelchairs to maneuver their chairs to play a difficult shot to learn to adapt these players often learn to play effectively in a more defensive game.

wheelchair athletes often chairs that provide specifically for the stability and high enough for the player. Rules state that players can use pads for the height, but can cause bad balance sheet and pillow on the athletesLevel of the game. athletes permanent implants and orthodontics light, that are well suited for lateral movement. Athletes who are unable to access a club because of their disability by using specially designed instruments that set the bat in his hand. Some athletes choose, just use a bandage on his racket in hand to install. These changes will not give them an advantage over another player, but even the playing field so that players can compete regardless oftheir disability.

This sport can be challenging mentally and physically, but with this challenge comes a feeling of satisfaction when a player experiences of success. The actors involved and the practice will not only develop the skills needed for the athletes, who will also get the confidence that comes to work and achieve a goal.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lesions of the rotator cuff - A Complete Guide

Rotator cuff injuries are very frequent. Shoulder pain affects about one in five. How significant is the fact that the symptoms of rotator cuff are by far the most common cause of shoulder pain. So if you are a cuff injury, you are definitely not alone.

There are a number of different causes of wrist injury or illness. This is a guide to common injuries and their cause.


Severe trauma to the cuff. Every significant event, A long-term effect. For example, a car accident or collision sports a great influence causing serious injury.

This will almost certainly be strongly influenced not only the collar, but the shoulder as a whole. Lesions of the rotator cuff are of this type, in most cases, require surgery to repair the rotator cuff.

Trauma of this kind is the most common cause of wrist problems in younger people (under 40).

Fortunately, there are still relatively rareEvents.

Tendinitis of the rotator cuff

The most common form of shoulder pain is, without doubt, tendonitis. Tendinitis is irritation and inflammation of the tendons of the cuff. Overuse tendinitis of the shoulder can be placed. For example, it can happen, as in tennis, participating in things like sports or throw.

In non-athletes may be a history of recent heavy lifting or activities that involve repetitive movements of the shoulder.

It isanother, more complicated form known as calcifying tendinitis. This happens when, because of years of inflammation, calcium deposits in tendons. They should have "calcified." This can be especially painful!

Rupture of the tendon of the rotator cuff

Cuff tears are more common in people aged 40 years. Not only that, but the incidence increases with age. A person of 80 is a significantly increased risk of developing such a tearPerson of 40 years.

A torn tendon can take two forms, either a full or partial tear. The classification is purely based on the amount of damages. A tear is a tear that extends properly through the tendon. A "full thickness" is full or when to bring down the entire width of the tendon is torn. This is best seen by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

cuff tendon tears can have two different outbreaks, acute and chronic.

Sharp is a unique and identifiable as a documentTrauma.

Chronic develops gradually over time due to a general weakening. This could be caused by conditions such as tendonitis or impingement.


Shock is the name of a state where cuff tendon is pinched or compressed in the subacromial space. Generally affects the supraspinatus tendon.

The tendon is repeatedly scraped against the scapula and this can lead to a fraying of the tendon. This means that weakens the tendon and is moreprobability of failure. Impingement is a very common cause of other rotator cuff injuries.

impingement syndrome is often the result of a weakness of the muscles of the rotator cuff. This leads to a lack of stability of the shoulder, which in turn allows the humerus to ride, and fill the space on the tendon. It can also occur because of problems with the bone of the acromion, arthritis, bone spurs and problems with bursitis in the shoulder joint.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What is the Sports Medicine and what are the advantages

sports medicine is basically defined as the area benefits of medicine that deals with injuries and trying to be lived in diseases athletics, which is composed of various sports.

The recent influx of information on the topic and enormous resources and effort invested in research in practice often led to the emergence of the question, what the sports medicine practice.

The other sections have explainedthe concept of sports medicine in detail, with a brief explanation of all aspects important allies together.

Key aspects

two important dimensions of medicine involved in the actual sport. And the answer to the query, which is the practice of sports medicine in the medical field is in the following two aspects:

i) the treatment of diseases, injuries and illnesses

ii) the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases by careful planning and analysis carriedInjury factors.

The team

In previous years, sports medicine consultation and support was the only athlete provided by the medical team, caliber, who has worked primarily with the first, professional and other elite school.

However, in response to the concern, what is the sports medicine of the past years through a metamorphosis in the past. Now the practice of sports medicine involves a comprehensive team of health experts who are trained in a varietyOrigin, including large as:

* Athletic Training

* Biomechanics

* Physiology

* Physical therapy

* Nursing

* Sport Psychology

* Food

Consumer Associations

There are a large number of consumer groups and patients who benefit from the practice of sports medicine.
Perhaps the most effective answer to the question of what medicine is the sport is its performance and service to the various sections of theThe athletes, athletes and non athletes.

Below are listed and explained the most important groups of consumers and patients, the medical benefits of sport.

1) Physical Therapy

The efforts and plans for medical treatment, physical therapists are often supplemented by techniques of this sport. Sports medicine professionals who continue to qualify as a sports coach are eligible to exercise physiologists work with team doctors,Physiotherapists and coaches.

2) research specialists

The results in the field of sports medicine are increasingly being used in campaigns for research and teaching. The sports medicine specialist function, which are increasingly used in research and clinical biomechanics, a new dimension to the study of medical interest, what is sport.

3) companies and individuals

Sports MedicineSpecialists are increasingly of employees and benefits to both individuals and businesses in industrial settings. I work as a physiotherapist, sports doctors are applying their knowledge of these to improve or maintain health, fitness and performance in these settings.

other categories of consumers receiving services in the field of sports medicine are:

* The athletes of different categories

* The health of workers

* CentersDisabled

* People with temporary physical disability due to diseases and disorders

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crucial Tips Street Fight effective!

Street Fighting is very different from a normal "fair fight". The same techniques that combat sports scores and helping to win trophies, you can lose your life in street fighting. There is nothing "fair" to the street fighting, as there are no rules and everything goes to fight in a street. It 'important that you pick up some tips on how to combat street smart and effective, because the difference between life and death.

In a street fight, you shouldALWAYS aim for vital areas. The three main target areas are the head, neck and groin. The control of head and neck and the meaning of the body's vital functions during the bar of the central region will be completed for a variety of sensory nerves. Therefore, the strikes of success in these areas could easily turn off any / stun a person.

For the head, a simple place to target the eyes and one of the best techniques you can use is the palm. Notice how perfect the tip of the thumb to pull in your eye. Tofor a street fight, pushing, rowing palm directly in your attacker's eyes. If you connect, you will immediately overwhelm the nervous system and your attacker is defeated now! Even if one forgets, the effects are easy to shock your opponent and you have enough time to escape quickly. This technique is particularly useful for children because the person has overcome a larger opponent without much effort.

For the neck, a goal for the jugular - it is a V-shaped notch inCenter, where the collar bones meet. Try to push your finger in your jugular and see the effect - it is extremely unpleasant, and you instinctively choke / gag. Fighting for a road, close all your fingers together and just put your assailant jugular. As long as a finger mark on the slide at once. This will lead to the attacker immediately collapse and he will not be able to recover quickly - which is ample time to fleefast!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why should PC Inventory Software

inventory software for PC is a great tool if you want to monitor the entire enterprise or desktop PC. In the past, audit PC or use some term network has been testing a tedious job for you, the network administrators.

Most of the time more and more IT companies use force only to solve this problem. Some network administrators who need additional time or work on weekends just to want to stop the inventory for business PCs.

This is because it is done manually by sittingBefore each PC and record all necessary details. Some time, users have to wait to finish his work before they can sit on the chair can. After collecting all data, you may submit a report on the outcome.

Well, you still have the result, but includes additional costs for the company and you feel the pain.

But now as a network administrator can smile, thanks to the inventory of PC software, the task of inventory to make hundreds of computers to be done in a veryshort time.

Software for the inventory of PC is ideal in a networked environment, where all the PCs connected to the network. However, home users can also receive benefits from, but you can not see the true power, because his real power is seen in a large network. PC or an inventory of desktop software can keep an inventory of the entire network.

Let's take a look at some of the features of PC software inventory.

Take note that the features and functionality of a desktop PC or inventorySoftware may vary from other similar instruments, but the idea is the same - to track and record all the details of hardware and software. There are two types of PC or desktop software inventory, are a basic client-server, while other servers are based.

For software for PC-based server, desktop or inventory is already installed on the server side and install an agent on the client. The software searches for all nodes and devices on the network. Excellent PC orNotes and inventory software, inventory hardware business, software inventory, all in a computer inventory, security, software, software license control, does not keep track of network resources, scan to plan, manage network resources, and many others.

All these features provide services for a network administrator. This feature of the software you get all the details of the system and application software. You can detail the type of operating system, Service Pack collection, product keyand serial number and software updates, versions and details of track inventory software should install automatically.

On the hardware side, the software allows you to keep track of all the hardware details like CPU type, motherboard, hard drive, processor, network adapter, sound and video cards and memory and peripherals. inventory software for PC is capable of controlling the product keys and serial numbers of software applications and provide not only, or using the softwareLicense.

A feature of the PC inventory software, which is really excellent, the ability to alert you when something is removed, replaced or installed somewhere on the computer network. This software can also prepared a report on all installed components and their variations in no time. This software is able to asset management is simple and fun.

With regard to the basic client-server, an agent must be installed on all networked PCs. The agent communicates with the server andinformation about your hardware or software status.

The good news is freeware software inventory PC can be found on the web. If you want to use more advanced features, you need to buy licensed copies.