Saturday, December 11, 2010

Major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide

According to the World Health Organization, depression is most important, the leading cause of disability worldwide. The only FDA approved the long-term treatment option for major depression is the stimulation of the vagus nerve.

It 's the most common and widespread of all psychiatric disorders, and it takes a significant toll on individuals, families and society. Depression also negatively impact the economy by reducing productivity and use of health servicesResources.

At the American Psychological Association 2005 Annual Meeting, subject to the comorbidity of drug abuse and mental illness was discussed. In a symposium on the far-reaching consequences of drug abuse on health, Mark B. Sobell, PhD, of Nova Southeastern University, discussed [10], high comorbidity and the impact of drug use. With regard to mental illness, spoke about the national epidemiological data analysis on Alcohol and RelatedConditions (n = 43 093), as in people with alcohol problems, 40.69% had at least one mood disorder experienced at least one anxiety disorder, 33.38% and 33.05% experienced at least 1 disorder drug. Among those with drug problems, disorders, 60.31% had at least one affective disorder, 42.63% had at least one anxiety disorder, and 55.16% had at least one alcohol problem. Regarding the impact of drug use on physical illness, Dr. Sobell said data from a study ofMedicaid recipients (n = 26,332) [11] shows that those who had comorbid psychiatric disorders and substance use with the highest prevalence of 6 of 8 chronic diseases (such as heart disease, asthma).

Later, Kate B. Carey, PhD, of Syracuse University, discussed the evaluation and treatment of persons with comorbid substance abuse and mental illness. He noted that these people, some health concerns that occur frequently have, at higher rates than others with psychiatricDisorders. Patients with dual diagnosis often does not correspond with treatment with the drugs and suffer exacerbation of symptoms, psychiatric hospitals, social isolation and interpersonal impairment. These are all classic symptoms of major depression.

If you suffer from severe depression and did not have a proportionate response to at least four different antidepressant drugs, it is only FDA approved long-term treatment of chronic or recurrent depression: vagus nerve stimulation. Thisshould be seriously discussed with the psychiatrist. A recipe for the procedure is an outpatient procedure for the 90 minutes required.

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