Saturday, April 23, 2011

7 famous people with disabilities

It 's easy to feel alone, until you get to know famous people with disabilities. There are many people who have overcome their personal challenges and social stigma and make a difference in the world. Here are seven examples of some of the most famous people with disabilities - some might be aware of and some you may be surprised!

Here are 7 famous people with disabilities:

Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr. announced (1930 to present) as Buzz Aldrin, was the secondPerson on the moon, Neil Armstrong landed with more than 20 July 1969 for implementation. Buzz Aldrin has bipolar disorder.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) led Britain during World War II and is often considered one of the greatest statesman, known ever lived. A man of many talents (speaker, writer, painter, journalist and soldier), Winston Churchill was also suffering from a bipolar disorder.

William Jefferson Clinton (1946 to present), is also known as Bill Clinton, 42nd President announcedthe United States. Bill Clinton has a hearing impairment and hearing aid use.

Tom Cruise (1962 to present), is an actor, is certainly an end today. His career began to decline after the role in "Risky Business", and after missing his performance in "Top Gun". Tom Cruise has dyslexia, as his mother and all his brothers.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), considered a genius and one of the greatest scientists of all time and his theoryThe theory of relativity, inaugurated the modern nuclear age. Albert Einstein had a learning disability and did very poorly in public schools.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), is a renowned American writer, writing such works as "A Farwell to Arms" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Ernest Hemingway has suffered both physical and mental illness and ended his life battling depression, committed suicide in 1961.

Robin Williams, (1951 to present), is a famous actor / comedian who brought to lifeis a career with the 1978 TV show "Mork and Mindy," has a lot of comedy albums and movies like the 1987 film "Good Morning, Vietnam". Robin Williams was diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

These are just some of the most "famous famous and there are many more people who have used their strengths instead of dwelling on the challenges and have life full, productive and happy. Knowing that there are others, and many famous people withDisabilities can create hope and makes you feel a bit 'less alone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The selection of educational games for children with intellectual disabilities

Some children have difficulty with learning problems or wrong address new information. You might struggle to master skills like throwing and catching a ball. You could try to grow confused to speak and listen to communicate with other people. Without the ability to learn and retain important information about how these children struggle even more when they come to school and try to master reading, writing and other skills and content knowledge.

Scientists are not sureWhat are the causes of learning difficulties. Many suspect that the brains of children with intellectual disabilities mix signals and have difficulty sending and receiving bits of information. Basically, as University of Nevada-Reno professors Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings in the Survival Guide for kids with LD explained, "just some guys have a hard time to learn."
These children are not stupid or lazy at all. They "learn differently" simply (LD). Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings appropriateReplace the term "disability" in his book, useful for the problem is not with the stigma. Children with LD have normal or even above average intelligence can distinguish, and indeed in other sectors. Their brains only collect, process and store information in a different way. As Stanley S. Lamm, MD, and Martin L. Fish, Ph.D. put it explains a learning disability, a child with learning difficulties, only "a state or a specific set of conditions that interfere with thenormal learning process. "

Children who learn differently can come from any ethnic group or socio-economic status. Although only 5% of children had been formally diagnosed with LD, some doctors and educators believe that having up to 20 percent of children a kind of interference in their way of learning in some areas. The good news is that it can significantly improve the correct diagnosis and targeted interventions, children with LD their ability to learn in a weak field.

It 'very importantidentify, especially for parents and children with LD learn differently and the means and resources available to them, so they should learn. Once the AP has been identified, a team of professionals in the child and use their results to an individualized education plan (IEP) for him or for their development. Now the child and his teachers and parents know the area where the child needs extra help and can focus on developing and improving the learning capabilities of the child there.Special classes and one-on-one tutoring can help.

Thus, using educational toys designed to develop specific skills. Children who are increasingly bored with school work can dry excitement in learning when the learning comes in the form of a toy to see it again. Simplify the process of learning and the use of unconventional methods to make learning fun for kids with LD can motivate an incentive to new heights.

Gary Fisher and Rhoda Cummings has identified seven key areas where children couldlearn differently: talking and listening, reading, writing, math, organizational skills, social skills and motor skills. Here are some suggestions for toys, the learning of each of these areas will be developed ...
Talking and listening LD

Children with LD to speak and listen to know what to say or do, but they are fighting only to share their thoughts. You may also have difficulty understanding the meaning of saying what other people have them, sometimes an errorConcern for others. Some good skills in this area are to promote critical thinking and the ability to make predictions, understand cause and effect and draw conclusions. These skills can help children organize their thoughts and words to make them more coherent and better understand what others say about them.
Strategy Games and Logic Games as Clik FoxMind Zoologica 'or promote the development of logical thinking skills such games. When playing these games, parentsEncourage children to think aloud, to make their argument. Parents can also politely ask the children to ask what they think happens in a situation next to each answer, and recognize it as a basis for the next question.

Read AP
Children with reading LD may be overwhelmed by exposure to too much text at once. You may struggle to read the alphabet or words to explore. You can skip lines while reading, because they appear the wordsnavigate to the page.
Educational toys like cards by Melissa and Doug puzzle opposite or vision to break down the reading and the magic to its essential components. Read Travel and Spin Word Spin Deluxe Family Edition made by Geospace are also excellent ways of spelling and reading for an experience. The concentration on a single word / concept at a time and break down words in letters from children continues to be confused by a wall of text. When using these products to encourage childrentalk about what they read, to check understanding.

Leave LD
Children with LD struggle with writing many of the same problems as children with speech and hearing LD. They have great ideas in my head, but difficult to express in writing with correct spelling and good grammar and spelling. This is a case where the simplest of games can have the greatest impact. Take some 'pressure for depreciation from the children compose their thoughts on a funPanel or dry-erase board. Now kids can remove and / or start their sentences over and over again until everything right.

Math LD
Children with LD struggle with math what the numbers mean and numerical symbols. You have difficulty in memorizing math facts and understanding. At the lowest level, they struggle with mathematical concepts underlying the designs. The game can be the model of games, puzzles, blocks and shape the experience of a child and trust modelsnecessary, are to succeed in mathematics. For example, a toy like games FoxMind 'Logix I give a child practice with shapes and patterns of logic. Once again, the Geospace Travel Math Spin by a fun learning tool for basic operations, removing what is sometimes a terrible feeling of having a child to learn math by himself. Remember, the participation of adults in a family environment with educational games is important to the learning process.

Organization Talent LD
Children with organizational skillsLD have trouble getting an overview of materials and tasks. Also keep in their rooms or tables may be difficult in order. Puzzles and other toys with parts that can go only one way to teach children what may be the subtle habits of the organization. An organizer of Melissa and Doug Magnetic Responsibility Chart can get good habits by children, keep in mind their responsibilities and rewards to encourage good habits and behaviors.

Social skills LD
Children with socialAbility LD have difficulty interacting with other people. You've read the facial expressions and gestures and suggestions can make facial expressions and gestures that convey what they really feel. dramatic role play, children can take appropriate standards of social behavior in a safe environment, away from the stress of the consequences is real. Dolls and doll houses, play sets and figures, and dress-up clothes and props, all vehicles used for imaginative play that effective social practicesInteraction.

Dexterity toys LD
Children with LD struggle with motor skills toys both motor skills like balancing, jumping or running, and motor skills such as lace string through hole or a pin to keep right. Toys like skipping ropes, sports equipment, and machine plasma can develop motor skills. Toys such as lacing cards or sets the art such as Melissa and Doug Stamp Set-set and pearls can develop their motor skills. Some toys like building blocks,develop a series of motor skills.

All parents, Toys Take advantage of investment in education
Educational toys can be a valuable resource for children with and without LD. Children can when filling out worksheets or assignments to dry to teach content knowledge to grow bored. In particular, children with LD only hard to understand how to fill out a worksheet. The game with an educational game, on the other hand, can encourage children to spend more (and moreFun!) Time to practice and master new knowledge and skills. Instead of storing information of a child dry mathematics can play an educational game and learn first-hand how to use logic and models to solve a problem. In fact, all parents want their children to develop skills in the areas listed above from an investment in one of the toys will benefit discussed.

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Kitesurf - Learn kiteboarding quickly and safely

Learn how to surf the waves and a dragon fly is at the same time!

Kitesurfing is one of the "sport today." This sport can be fun, but there are some steps that you take the kite before hitting the water too. Learn to kitesurf be dangerous, but as long as you listen to the professionals and the right knowledge about the programs, then you are going to good.

Learn kite surfing, it is important to know the type of kitethat you plan to use the same time as the controls. The kites are several ways off and the other requirements of the wind. Learn to kite surf, because now as a beginner is better to start with a trainer kite and ask a professional, Start Guide, control and landing. In addition to this, remember that when you buy a kite, it should be instructions or guides are provided. If it does, it is strongly recommended to buy for kite safety. There is also a dragonSafety release system can disable the kite once something gets out of control. Learn to kitesurf also means safety first asked about everything.

After all these are ready, it's time for you to try, or made to move the water over time. Go to the water depth alongside. Line board should be connected to the wiring. Wear a helmet, as a general rule, if you are using a board leash. At this point you can begin to launch your kite.Let the power of the kite pull the bottom of the water. The steering rack should be attached to the belt. On the one hand, to control the dragon and the others must be packed card. Then you insert your foot into the straps on the board. In cases where the first left and then right. Timing and coordination is necessary to take this step. Let the hand holding the edge, if you have the right foot placed in the appropriate range. Keeping up with both handsthe bar and then disconnect the wiring. You have to bend or tilt the body back as the dragon begins to draw. Pull With the power of the kite and resist water under his feet, you will be able to sit on the board. As a beginner you will fall over the edge several times, but it's just more practical. If you believe that you lose your balance, bend the knee is the key to staying on the board.

Once learned that staying on board, the nextStep is to control it. You can check your card depending on the direction that directly. Need to move the weight toward the front when the wind shift to the right or behind, if you want to maneuver against the wind.

Kitesurfing is a fun sport, but always remember to follow the instructions for beginners and are led by experts as one.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Deafness is a disability

At the beginning of this article, I must say that I am a hearing person. I do not have titles in the deaf culture. I feel compelled to write this article in response to a Funeral, which I visited recently. I took part in the false assumptions of many other people are listening to the funeral embarrassed. The purpose of this paper is to broaden the cultural understanding of deafness.

Many people are born deaf. Other deaf people in a very young age, measles, meningitis or otherDiseases. They grow up with their own language, customs, culture and pride. These are the people in this article refers, not those who lose their hearing some time after birth.

I am privileged to have friendships with a number of deaf people. I talk to them about Auslan (Australian Sign Language). I learned that there are big differences between hearing and deaf communities and cultures. I know that many people are listening to a lack of understanding of deafness. My goal isunderstanding.

The funeral was for a deaf friend of mine. I call Kurnai. E 'born deaf and proud to be deaf. He was known and respected in both the deaf and hearing communities. Both deaf and hearing people participated in his speech. A sign language interpreter was present. He interprets the hearing impaired. This was done to translate the visual sign language in spoken English. She also interpreted for the deaf people. He did it through the translation of speechLanguage Auslan.

Kurnai is deaf friends spoke of his love for the sport. They praised his football skills. They spoke of former times, when they played tricks in the school. They spoke of his smile and his love for entertaining. None of them said that he was deaf. Hearing people also spoke of some of the personal characteristics of the Kurnai. However, we have focused so much on the "terrible disability he had. They talked of how well he did, despite itsDisabilities. They were talking about how sad it was that she could not speak. If the truth was that he could not speak. His language, Auslan, is a rich expressive language.

A loving family member was surprised that Kurnai danced with her deaf friend. He had no idea that deaf people can music "feel" through the vibrations in the ground. Another thanked that he now had another life that "talk" would be able to give. Another joked that Kurnai had told him that he was satisfied that he was deaf. CropHearing community laughed in disbelief. The crop deaf smiled and nodded.

Kurnai had an incurable disease. He spent much time in consultation with the medical profession. Their disability was that he did not know his language. In their arrogance, did not deem it necessary, an interpreter at all appointments. Everyone has the right to know what is being said. Even if it's just a simple date. "My temperature, blood pressurenormal ".. It is certainly the right of patients to be able to ask these questions, the doctors would have asked about the possibility that the benefit to the patient:" How do you feel? Do you have pain? "Without an interpreter, these simple questions, no precise answer can be given. Go to the people listening to many deaf people who can understand written English and lip read. In fact, lip-reading, a skill very difficult. Those who understand and master more than 30% mayConversation. Written English uses Auslan grammar and syntax is very different. Therefore, it is very easy to interpret for deaf people misunderstanding what was written. Often smile or a wave of response. Otherwise, take a 50/50 bet to answer is "yes" or "no".

If you try to communicate with a deaf person to follow their example. In general, the gestures and facial expressions is more effective than written communication. Surely he would never try to communicate with someone whose languageEnglish with the help of written English? The same is true when communicating with deaf people. His mother tongue is not English.

Kurnai was a dear friend. The observations, that his hearing would have made friends at his funeral did not matter. As a deaf person, he had smiled and accepted the fact that no harm was intended. This is another example of the differences in our cultures. While listening to the stories of his life, I was excited by the misunderstanding. I was embarrassed bymade 'politically incorrect' statements and the hearing people. I was excited and felt the need to defend the Kurnai claim that "deafness is not a handicap.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to choose the wheelchair sport?

A person with a disability or mobility challenge is not far from the pleasures of life. Many devices and systems are in wheelchairs are well known problems, and sports is one of these devices. It 'an amazing invention, the freedom of people with mobility problems and bring them to the playground to have fun. Participation in sport will not only help to strengthen the participants in the body, but alsoIncreased self-esteem. There are many manufacturers that are suitable for building sports chairs for different needs, and sports that can be used for mobility on a regular basis.

Often a wheelchair sport is light, but offers greater mobility, balance and turning radius. Sport wheelchairs are often expensive and people can not afford more than one that is essential for the most part, requires an adequate effort to find a wheelchair to fit hisUsers.

Disabled sports are often tailor-made to support the players and the sport's true, with the exact specifications. If you're a basketball player, football, rugby, volleyball, tennis, hockey or a pilot, you can make your choice can be a chair sport, a sport can be designed to support and many others. The sport seats are divided into four main types;

Racer: These chairs have a higher speed and lighter weight, designed specifically for racing.

Cycles of hand: to push the chairs with the arm on the chair as a cycle and are good for regular exercise.

Court Wheelchairs: These chairs are in support of the judges in games like basketball, tennis, volleyball, etc. are made

Other: These are special chairs designed for the specific sport or simply for fun and joy of the people. Mountaineering, skiing and other extreme> Sport chairs fall into this category.

Selecting a sports chair is suitable for a complete job, which requires adequate funding, market research and analysis, and so you can sport a chair at a lower cost for your needs. Here are some tips that may help in choosing the appropriate wheelchair sports.

First, assess your budget and finances, much to invest for your passion and mobility.
Search the Internet butthat offered what some dealers and manufacturers and for which costs.
Visit a few shops around to see that sports chairs are available.

Refer to plan to participate in sports chair with the new sport.

Read some of the drivers, the chairs are of such games and sports presented.

If you need it for regular use and mobility of life then vote for your internal and external movement and pathways in which it must operatewith you.

Check the capacity and loading time.

Fully understand what the individual your nearest sports wheelchairs are necessary and what is really necessary.

Check for wheelchair use, and if you have any budget.

Test the wheelchair before a final decision.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Helping students with learning difficulties Head To College

students of today who struggle with learning disabilities to have, and no more than keep them back, but they are going to school despite their disability. There are several steps of preparation that students have difficulty learning to transition from the can high school to university to do so without problems. These preparations begin in high school.

First you have students who have learning difficulties for the development of workSelf-knowledge, while in high school. You have to understand what learning style works best for them. You need to know a whole arsenal of learning strategies in hand, in order to achieve success in school. These strategies may also require more time for testing, music, books, according to them, instead of reading, or read pinned processing of acronyms, so important material.

Next must include the legal rights of the student with a learning disability thathe or she is entitled. Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), which was adopted in 1990, protects the confidentiality of documents, the colleges do not have access to the documentation of disability. Because of § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, universities can not accept discrimination against students with learning difficulties. are students with learning difficulties may be reasonable modifications to complete their training, asas additional time for tests, forms of alternative testing and other things. A difference at the College of High School, the student must take the initiative to ask for help when in college. In high school, the law requires that the school and help to identify LD students, but not so in the school.

Pupils with learning difficulties need to make special preparation for the transition to life collage. Students must be aware of the opportunities they have for the college. Some universities have open admissionPolicies that allow anyone with a bachelor's degree, he entered university. Other criteria are selective, and can only accept students with a certain GPA or test result. There are also two types of university education in length. two-year colleges usually have open admissions policy and allow students to acquire an 'America. These are sometimes referred to as "community colleges. Four-year college or university are often selective in their recordsAcceptance and offer advanced degrees. Some universities have developed programs for students with learning difficulties. People with severe learning difficulties should be one of these institutions.

Just because a student has a learning disability does not mean that he or she can and can not pursue higher education. The law requires reasonable accommodation for persons with LD in colleges and universities. LD students who wish to attend the college you will need agood understanding of learning strategies and what helps them learn better. In this way, some of the research and development, and for the transfer, and students with learning disabilities can succeed and thrive in academia.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to get a free car when disabled

If you have a disability, you may have trouble making ends meet with a fixed income. In addition, you might need a car and without the means to make a purchase. There are some options out there, but so do the following to get a car for free if you are disabled.

Step 1

Go to the local churches in your area. A church, probably will try to help if you are a member, but if not, it's worth a try. Explain all aspects of yourSituation and remember that even if a church can not do, may from another organism, which can be known.

Step 2

Find organizations that help people with the same disability. Ask if there are any programs which provide low cost transportation or to help. Talk to most people in the company, some may know the programs on more than others.

Step 3

Find websites, people to things they want to give away or let things postwho want to be free. Also, check if you have something that can be had for a cheap car industry. While connected to the Internet, use a search engine to find programs that may have the potential to give you a free car park.

Step 4

Visit car dealerships near you. You could do something like a program in place to help people like you. Moreover, it could use the donation as a tax write off. Once again, even if you do not help, couldI know someone who can.


Try out all subsidies for people with disabilities, could be applied. You can be a bit 'of money with which you could buy a car.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Disability and quality of life; Book Review "Thank You"

I'm sure I said, but if not I'll say it here. I firmly believe that your attitude is a very important component of quality of life and your ability - in balance - in fact to manage the chronic illness!

And with that in mind, my advice is to develop a hobby. In your hobby, be sure to share with others, especially the "leaders" in your hobby, your thanks for their efforts. For example, you might decide that you want to be a greatMartha Stewart cooking and use as a template. Once you get something Dook using one of their recipes and rave reviews from your "being," write Martha thank you e-mail or letter! It makes you feel is much better.

For me, I like to read. And when I finished a book I really love, go to your site and let him know, and I thank them. Most, even write back! I also signed a "coaster" of one, and become a "reader reviewer" is one of myFavorite author of the forthcoming book, while in the project.

I have to thank the e-mail I just a writer, so you see what you look like copies. Hope you find a hobby and to thank those who inspire you.

Dear Mr. Katzenbach:

Not sure why I just found, but I am soooo glad I am! The Madman's Tale is the third book of yours that I read, and only them. (With State Of Mind, followed by The Analyst introduction). Yesterday, State of Mind, like thetechnical structure of the analyst, but thought it would be too sad - he was soooo isolated - but really loved The Madman's Tale!

I am a voracious reader (I did "manage" multiple sclerosis for over 45 years, and now I find myself on a full-term disability), especially the books of intrigue. However, I find that more and more novels that have to keep me invested in the book. If the story is too predictable, not simply "Hook Me."

You, sir, you have a magnificent championshipPhraseology, your lyrical prose paints pictures so well that I was in hospital with Lucy, Peter and Francis! I won and you will read later, Hart's War "- a book and the movie. I want to see my mental movie through your words!

He could not help but to document and share with you back to some of my favorite quotes from the story of the madman. These specific rates were so eloquent, it is more accurately represented the rights of subscription or feeling, or, in the case ofFrancis, defined as clear, in my humble opinion (IMHO) and in particular what it means "human" that I could not help but tell you how much your words hit me! His prose I have read every word, and not just skimming to catch the thread of the story and ran "Who did it!"

Many authors are able to describe events, actions, places and things, and some may take the surface quality of the characters. What I find unique, Mr. K., the ability to captureEssence of each "ghestalt" character; raison d'etre (sp?); Unique personality, and like any two cocks in common humanity, but is clearly out of it.

1) p. 168. "When I think back, I can so many little things that mean something .... I was young, was to see, and I did not understand that the crime as all the mechanical parts of a transmission bolts and nuts, screws and pins, all efforts together a dynamic that moves us close control, createby forces that are a bit 'like the wind is invisible, but leaves the characters in a piece of scrap paper that suddenly takes flight and the lines on the sidewalk or a road is dragged to perform a certain way, then the next, or simply remote storm clouds over a dark threatening sky hunting. "

2) p. 200: "We are all defined by the darkness, I thought, anyone can represent something in the summer, but only at night, after the world had closed in, that our true self to come out ..."

3) PGS 218& 219: "At some point later that day, or perhaps after the next, but certainly crazy at some point during the constant procession of people in Lucy Jones accompanied the office, it occurred to me that I never really part of something .... first. As a child, not able to participate is a terrible thing. Perhaps the worst ..... In all the years I have never been invited to a birthday party ever. asked for a night . Not once pushed to the back of a station wagon for an off-the-cuff TravelFriendly in for a sundae. I've never had a phone call the night of gossip about the school or sports or who were normal after the vote seventh dance kiss ..... My life was unique in that it highlights the absence of all the little things that everyone else. "
4), p. 269: "But that was not the real ground of each unit, the contours and topography were really defined by all the diversity of content crazy .." (Note: This really resonates with me as Iwas a director of human resources for over 30 years before I continue disabilities. Every time I walked into a room, I purposely took "stock" of the room temperature, swirling currents and eddies, which was far from the bounce, etc. not I've never seen articulated just as you did!)

5) Page 326: IMHO, this is the vision that a person like Francis, may be the "crazy", but it's still human, separated by a sociopath! I loved how you put it! "My whole life,I just wanted to be normal. Tortured, as Peter and Lucy, were normal. It can run low in the outside world, enjoying the simple things ..... But I could because I knew right then that I have always condemned to be closer in spirit and actions of men are and I hated the man who scared me. The angel was giving and indulging in murderous thoughts all the evil that lay dormant in me. It was a fun house mirror version of me. I had the same anger. L 'same desire. The same evil. I had just hidden in it, has discarded lies in the deepest hole in me that I could find and cover with a crazy thought, like rocks and dirt, so that was buried, where I hoped it would never burst. "

In these few words, has clearly articulated the essence of "free will". And, IMHO, because God has given man free will. He wants us to reduce, control of the forces of evil, and do what is "correct" choice, not. Coersion

Were you able to paint the essence of being "acceptable", which made the reputation of being human, with "rights." And finally, this is what all people to live their lives, are only recognized as existing.

Well, I have taken too much of your time. If you want to use my words as a review of your book anywhere, do not hesitate to do so.

Also, if you ever need a reader to read a piece of your new book (s), I'd like to doSun

Thanks, again looking for hours! I'll probably write again after finishing Hart's War!